Ahoy there, mateys - here be a survey for ye!! Arr!


I have the power
Apr 14, 2001
Brisbane, Australia
1. Did you wear a black armband when they shot the man who said, "Peace could last forever"?

2. What's the ringtone on your mobile?

3. Is aluminium and aluminum the same thing?

4. Wacko Jacko - will he get off, so to speak?

5. Why is it that Bruce Dickinson rejoining Iron Maiden didn't get as much press that Rob Halford rejoining Judas Priest seems to be getting?

6. Why has Spawn been so quiet lately? Theories, please.

7. Whose overseas adventure are we more excited about - Blitzy's Belgian Graspop thing, or Coops's's NASA mission to the moon and beyond?

8. Which of these is LEAST likely to happen?

a) Bruce leaves Maiden again to concentrate on his solo career
b) Paul & Gene call it a day, but Kiss continues with replacements
c) People stop whinging about Eric and Tommy from Kiss being "imposters"
d) Dave Murray leaves Iron Maiden, for whatever reason
e) Glenn Hughes releases a dud album
f) Chinese Democracy is released... actually, scrap that one

9. Who will win the NRL grand final this year?

10. Who will win the AFL grand final this year?
1. Did you wear a black armband when they shot the man who said, "Peace could last forever"?
nope, never have worn one as yet.

2. What's the ringtone on your mobile?
Just the normal ring...can't change our phone, 'cause it's 100years old.

3. Is aluminium and aluminum the same thing?
yep...now that the official Oz spelling for sulphur has been changed to "sulfur", expect us to drop the "i" anytime soon....and change to nukular.

4. Wacko Jacko - will he get off, so to speak?
I personally beleive that he has already "gotten off" a number of times, but that will be decided in court.

5. Why is it that Bruce Dickinson rejoining Iron Maiden didn't get as much press that Rob Halford rejoining Judas Priest seems to be getting?
Dunno...I think that people expected Bruce to come back once he had done a few things on his own.

6. Why has Spawn been so quiet lately? Theories, please.

7. Whose overseas adventure are we more excited about - Blitzy's Belgian Graspop thing, or Coops's's NASA mission to the moon and beyond?
Mission to the moon...that was my favourite Simpsons episode.

8. Which of these is LEAST likely to happen?
a) Bruce leaves Maiden again to concentrate on his solo career
b) Paul & Gene call it a day, but Kiss continues with replacements
c) People stop whinging about Eric and Tommy from Kiss being "imposters"
d) Dave Murray leaves Iron Maiden, for whatever reason
e) Glenn Hughes releases a dud album
f) Chinese Democracy is released... actually, scrap that one


9. Who will win the NRL grand final this year?
The what ?

10. Who will win the AFL grand final this year?
Mighty 'Dons
1. Did you wear a black armband when they shot the man who said, "Peace could last forever"?
I haven't worn one either.

2. What's the ringtone on your mobile?
It used to be The Final Countdown for a long while, but I haven't gotten around to putting anything on my current phone, so it is a standard Ericsson polyphonic, called 'digital rain' I believe. Annoying, but less annoying than the rest on there.

3. Is aluminium and aluminum the same thing?
No. Aluminum...thats just stoopid.

4. Wacko Jacko - will he get off, so to speak?
I am not sure if he will be found guilty or not. I believe he is being played by this family this time around, whether he has done anything in the past or not, this family is trying to take him for a ride, and I hope it is seen that way.

5. Why is it that Bruce Dickinson rejoining Iron Maiden didn't get as much press that Rob Halford rejoining Judas Priest seems to be getting?
I hadn't thought about this until now, but my first notion is that when Bruce left, Maiden were really past their peak (as much as I like Fear Of The Dark as an album). When Rob left, it was just after the bands best album, so having Rob return may see the return of classic stuff like Painkiller.

6. Why has Spawn been so quiet lately? Theories, please.
I don't know, but I certainly would like to find out. The thought that it could be something strange intrigues me, but in reality, I think he is probably just spending more time on things that aren't a PC.

7. Whose overseas adventure are we more excited about - Blitzy's Belgian Graspop thing, or Coops's's NASA mission to the moon and beyond?
Assuming Coops smuggles some potato chips into the shuttle, he wins hands down, but if it is a contest between me having a ball at a metal festival, and Coops just doing a whole lot of chemistry theory and shit, then I win.

8. Which of these is LEAST likely to happen?

a) Bruce leaves Maiden again to concentrate on his solo career
b) Paul & Gene call it a day, but Kiss continues with replacements
c) People stop whinging about Eric and Tommy from Kiss being "imposters"
d) Dave Murray leaves Iron Maiden, for whatever reason
e) Glenn Hughes releases a dud album
f) Chinese Democracy is released... actually, scrap that one


9. Who will win the NRL grand final this year?
NR..L? Wha?

10. Who will win the AFL grand final this year?
Quite possibly Geelong. I think it could likely come down to Geelong and Port Adelaide.
1. Did you wear a black armband when they shot the man who said, "Peace could last forever"?

Was that John Lennon? I think I was too young to think of anything like that. If it wasn't him then the answer is still no. Unless it happened while I was in year 11 at school cos I was metal as all fuck then and wore a black studded wristband everywhere.

2. What's the ringtone on your mobile?

P.I.M.P by 50 Cent and Snoop Dogg! hahaha

3. Is aluminium and aluminum the same thing?

i think aluminum is american made aluminium or something.

4. Wacko Jacko - will he get off, so to speak?

This one is too tough to call. He's definately a freak, but the accusers also seem to be a bunch of opportunistic money grubbers... so that could be 'reasonable doubt' right there.

5. Why is it that Bruce Dickinson rejoining Iron Maiden didn't get as much press that Rob Halford rejoining Judas Priest seems to be getting?

I thought it got more. Maybe I'm just out of the loop.

6. Why has Spawn been so quiet lately? Theories, please.

It could only be voodoo.

7. Whose overseas adventure are we more excited about - Blitzy's Belgian Graspop thing, or Coops's's NASA mission to the moon and beyond?

Personally I'm more excited about my trip to Cairns in a couple of weeks. Both of those are hella cool though.

8. Which of these is LEAST likely to happen?

c) People stop whinging about Eric and Tommy from Kiss being "imposters"

9. Who will win the NRL grand final this year?

I dunno, who's playing?

10. Who will win the AFL grand final this year?

I think you all know my policy. Never talk to me about AFL again.
1. Did you wear a black armband when they shot the man who said, "Peace could last forever"?

I did wear a black ribbon once, but that was more personal, so no.

2. What's the ringtone on your mobile?

Nothing noteworthy

3. Is aluminium and aluminum the same thing?


4. Wacko Jacko - will he get off, so to speak?

Couldn't care less.

5. Why is it that Bruce Dickinson rejoining Iron Maiden didn't get as much press that Rob Halford rejoining Judas Priest seems to be getting?

Same reason Christ gets more press than Buddha.

6. Why has Spawn been so quiet lately? Theories, please.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

7. Whose overseas adventure are we more excited about - Blitzy's Belgian Graspop thing, or Coops's's NASA mission to the moon and beyond?

Hey! It's my adventure too!

8. Which of these is LEAST likely to happen?

a) Bruce leaves Maiden again to concentrate on his solo career
b) Paul & Gene call it a day, but Kiss continues with replacements
c) People stop whinging about Eric and Tommy from Kiss being "imposters"
d) Dave Murray leaves Iron Maiden, for whatever reason
e) Glenn Hughes releases a dud album
f) Chinese Democracy is released... actually, scrap that one

All or none of the above, dunno.

9. Who will win the NRL grand final this year?

Don't care.

10. Who will win the AFL grand final this year?

Will watch, but don't care.
1. Did you wear a black armband when they shot the man who said, "Peace could last forever"?

They shot who in the what now?

2. What's the ringtone on your mobile?

Muppet Show theme

3. Is aluminium and aluminum the same thing?

Yes, but "aluminum" is the stupid, ignorant American spelling :mad:

4. Wacko Jacko - will he get off, so to speak?

Either way, his career's over. If he goes to the slammer he won't last ten minutes before hanging himself with a bedsheet.

5. Why is it that Bruce Dickinson rejoining Iron Maiden didn't get as much press that Rob Halford rejoining Judas Priest seems to be getting?

I don't know :confused: The Priest reunion made it to CNN and I only heard about Maiden through word of electronic mouth. Bizarre, ain't it?

6. Why has Spawn been so quiet lately? Theories, please.

He leaves the 'net on in the background while he does other things and doesn't bother posting here or updating his journal.

7. Whose overseas adventure are we more excited about - Blitzy's Belgian Graspop thing, or Coops's's NASA mission to the moon and beyond?

Both sound pretty cool to me.

8. Which of these is LEAST likely to happen?

a) Bruce leaves Maiden again to concentrate on his solo career
b) Paul & Gene call it a day, but Kiss continues with replacements
c) People stop whinging about Eric and Tommy from Kiss being "imposters"
d) Dave Murray leaves Iron Maiden, for whatever reason
e) Glenn Hughes releases a dud album
f) Chinese Democracy is released... actually, scrap that one


9. Who will win the NRL grand final this year?

Ask somebody who cares

10. Who will win the AFL grand final this year?


1. Did you wear a black armband when they shot the man who said, "Peace could last forever"?
I was 11, and didn't even know who he was really, so no.

2. What's the ringtone on your mobile?

Don't have a mobile phone.

3. Is aluminium and aluminum the same thing?


4. Wacko Jacko - will he get off, so to speak?

Everyone wants to see him take a fall, and his career is over anyway, so it really doesn't matter one way or the other.

5. Why is it that Bruce Dickinson rejoining Iron Maiden didn't get as much press that Rob Halford rejoining Judas Priest seems to be getting?

Probably because Bruce and Maiden weren't apart that long and it seemed inevitable that it would happen, whereas both Priest and Halford maintained right up until the reunion happened that there would be no reunion.

6. Why has Spawn been so quiet lately? Theories, please.

On one of his last journal entries, he said "It's amazing how much more time you have" when he's not on the Net all the time. I was going to ask him what, exactly, he was going to spend all his extra time doing, but he hasn't been around since then so I probably wouldn't have got an answer. Maybe he's spending more time watching TV.

7. Whose overseas adventure are we more excited about - Blitzy's Belgian Graspop thing, or Coops's's NASA mission to the moon and beyond?

I think Coops' trip will be more world-changing, but Blitzy could always do something spectacular also, like run on stage naked, or something.

8. Which of these is LEAST likely to happen?

a) Bruce leaves Maiden again to concentrate on his solo career
b) Paul & Gene call it a day, but Kiss continues with replacements
c) People stop whinging about Eric and Tommy from Kiss being "imposters"
d) Dave Murray leaves Iron Maiden, for whatever reason
e) Glenn Hughes releases a dud album
f) Chinese Democracy is released... actually, scrap that one


9. Who will win the NRL grand final this year?

The Bulldogs will make it back-to-back premierships

10. Who will win the AFL grand final this year?

Melbourne will do it for Troy.
Isn't 'aluminum' the correct spelling, with the 'num' being changed to 'nium' to make it sound more like plutionium, calcium, etc. I'm sure it's in Bill Bryson's "Big Book Of Shit About Stuff" or whatever it was called.
1. Did you wear a black armband when they shot the man who said, "Peace could last forever"?
No but I remeber my mum was really upset.
2. What's the ringtone on your mobile?
It has been disconected for failure to pay my last 4 bills.
3. Is aluminium and aluminum the same thing?
Yes just different people using it.
4. Wacko Jacko - will he get off, so to speak?
His going away for a long time and will be a statistic of the system.
5. Why is it that Bruce Dickinson rejoining Iron Maiden didn't get as much press that Rob Halford rejoining Judas Priest seems to be getting?
It was more surprising with Rob than Brucey!
6. Why has Spawn been so quiet lately? Theories, please.
Maybe just maybe he has taken some of our well intended advice and gotten a smidgen of a life outside the net.
7. Whose overseas adventure are we more excited about - Blitzy's Belgian Graspop thing, or Coops's's NASA mission to the moon and beyond?
Coop's his gonna save the world ala "Armagedon" style.
8. Which of these is LEAST likely to happen?

b) Paul & Gene call it a day, but Kiss continues with replacements

9. Who will win the NRL grand final this year?
the Dogs I guess I still don't really get the game or see the point even with Brian watching it and explaing when I ask dumb questions.
10. Who will win the AFL grand final this year?
As Brian said Melbourne Demons....they will do it for Troy!:headbang:
1. Did you wear a black armband when they shot the man who said, "Peace could last forever"?

No. I wasn't born in 1963. Everybody realises that they're talking about Martin Luther King, don't they? Not John Lennon?

2. What's the ringtone on your mobile?

The dance bit in Dance of Death

3. Is aluminium and aluminum the same thing?


4. Wacko Jacko - will he get off, so to speak?

Even if he does he's finished. So it doesn't really matter.

5. Why is it that Bruce Dickinson rejoining Iron Maiden didn't get as much press that Rob Halford rejoining Judas Priest seems to be getting?

Dunno. Although I seem to remember more about Bruce, but that may have been because I was more excited about that.

6. Why has Spawn been so quiet lately? Theories, please.

He's been possessed by the ghost of "getting off the internet and going outside". Lucky bastard.

7. Whose overseas adventure are we more excited about - Blitzy's Belgian Graspop thing, or Coops's's NASA mission to the moon and beyond?

Both sound boring and a waste of time. I'm not even jealous a little bit.

8. Which of these is LEAST likely to happen?

a) Bruce leaves Maiden again to concentrate on his solo career
b) Paul & Gene call it a day, but Kiss continues with replacements
c) People stop whinging about Eric and Tommy from Kiss being "imposters"
d) Dave Murray leaves Iron Maiden, for whatever reason
e) Glenn Hughes releases a dud album
f) Chinese Democracy is released... actually, scrap that one

b) Gene ould sue their arses off.

9. Who will win the NRL grand final this year?


10. Who will win the AFL grand final this year?

phlogiston said:
1. Did you wear a black armband when they shot the man who said, "Peace could last forever"?

No. I wasn't born in 1963. Everybody realises that they're talking about Martin Luther King, don't they? Not John Lennon?

Actually I was never sure. I always thought it was about King, but Lennon fits also. King wasn't shot in '63 anyway, but what always got me was the next line: "In my first memories they shot Kennedy". How could he have remembered that?
Goreripper said:
Actually I was never sure. I always thought it was about King, but Lennon fits also. King wasn't shot in '63 anyway, but what always got me was the next line: "In my first memories they shot Kennedy". How could he have remembered that?

Ah yeah. I misread 1968. I still wasn't alive but.

And maybe he meant Robert Kennedy?