aida takes over


Overly-Cryptic Jake
indieradioisdead: do you want to take over my site...
agitpop13: umm, can I turn it into a porn site?
indieradioisdead: i guess
agitpop13: hrmm
indieradioisdead: ...more money in that
agitpop13: that seems like a lot of work
indieradioisdead: the porn site?
agitpop13: yeah
indieradioisdead: yeah, i'm sure it would be
indieradioisdead: first, you'd hae to get some hoes
indieradioisdead: then you'd have to pay matt to take pictures... and not touch the ladies
agitpop13: yeah
indieradioisdead: work work work
agitpop13: you don't like doing the site?
indieradioisdead: i just wish it didn't take up 80% of my free time
agitpop13: true
agitpop13: hire a manager
indieradioisdead: i'm him
agitpop13: I know
agitpop13: make someone else do it
indieradioisdead: ...aida?
agitpop13: YES!
indieradioisdead: ok, hang on... i have to go get her. she is watching Bambi
agitpop13: well, she doesn't have to start right now
indieradioisdead: d;jldj; u;seuh s;ehe
agitpop13: tell her when she is done with the movie
indieradioisdead: eaaaiohd ard[ohtttr;s
agitpop13: and she can start tomorrow
indieradioisdead: aaaaaaar;ldsr;nxc.,m sdn. drn;se;kjrtn dr;nls
indieradioisdead: al'kn rtl;n; lsr,. dsrl;nt; drs;nnrg;srd;enyn; ;sdlr
agitpop13: yes
agitpop13: lets do that
indieradioisdead: klhxf dfl; s;dljg' sd'lkjsdfg 'dsjj'
indieradioisdead: ds;ldk krds d'sk $900.00 d;sflksfd ;ldfsjg
indieradioisdead: ldf ldf n;a3 as;l;kl as ;kasj ;asj and 2 elmo DVD's
agitpop13: hrmm, no, lets hold off on that
indieradioisdead: ;LJKSHDGKL!!!
agitpop13: maybe after the first batch goes out
indieradioisdead: L;DSJF DS;LS;KJD;9 AS;LN ! ;SLJK!! SL;JDLIBR
agitpop13: exactly
indieradioisdead: ...j;njdf ndklh abbf ;aei na