aild-chimaira-ish stuff, rate my tentative mix

The kick and snare sound very strong indeed, and the snare roll feels quite realistic - nice job ! I'd turn them a bit lower though, and turn up the overheads. Maybe you'll also need to cut some mids (600 hz maybe) from your guitars and turn them a bit up...
Definitely up those guitars, and try and EQ some of the mud out, smiley face EQ as number7 said ;o) I can't seem to make much sense of how the guitars are panned, either? Seems like the lead line with the harmonics is panned quite strange. The drums do sound really nice, but you need to get the rest of the mix right before they sound right. Needs some bass, too.

Keep it at, bro!
aight, thanks for the comments guys. really appreciated. i'm pretty new to mixing, just got hs80m's a few weeks ago and finally have some time to get used to them and improve my mixes. the guitar i used on this recording is some cheap crap shit one so i dont know if i can get out a good tone of it but we'll see.. ;)

edit: oh yeah, and about the panning, i knew you guys would mention it, i gotta learn how to do it properly soon, never really dealed with double-, quadtracking, etc. before
alot actually. eq, transient and comp within s2.0 + reverb and another eq outside of s2.0 + tried parallel compression for the first time :kickass: