AKAKOR Calgary Technical Death/Grind


New Metal Member
May 12, 2009
Hey all, i posted somethin on here a long while back. We have a few more songs up on the myspace and are currently getting our 5 song demo mixed and mastered as well as artwork and all that jazz.

We were involved in a pretty gnarly accident back in Dec 09 which left a few members pretty fucked up and set us back quite a bit, but we are at about a 95-99 percent right now i think and we are rippin new songs like mad!

Thanks to our good buddies in Kataplexis http://www.myspace.com/kataplexis who put on a benefit show for us and raised a shit ton of money to help us get a new van, we will hopefully be makin our way out of the province this year.

Let us know if you want us to come rip it up near you!!!

Check us out at http://www.myspace.com/akakormetal and stay tuned for some new rippin songs!


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