Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth - Trailer

just a blip on the radar, its all good he can state all those things, be the better man and use your total intellective collective power to organize this planet to change things.

What's That ? you can't ? sorry part of our nature seems to be destroy ourselves in short sightedness....not like i needed some old has been to tell me that.

Paid for by Big Oil.
:lol: Remember when probe came and its was destroying the planet. The Enterprise went back in time to get Humback Whales so they could save the Planet from its own shortsidedness.

Oh wait that was a StarTrek Move.....:lol: :Smokin: :Smokin: :Smokin: :Smokin: :err:
yeah that movie was funny as hell

especially spock and the dude on the bus...

"TURN THAT DAMN THING DOWN" - then he just up and pinches his neck...LOL