Alabamians (sp) Forced to Have Sex With Spouses

from the incomparable

Crimson Cry: Court OKs Alabama ban on Sex Toys #

BoiFromTroy --

When we first read, "sexually frustrated red state Alabamians will have to resort to sex with their husbands due to new anti sex toy legislation," we thought there was breaking news about the home of the Crimson Tide legalizing gay marriage. Unfortunately, our instincts were wrong...'Bama is now Dildo-Free thanks to a Federal Court approving the state's sex-toy ban.

With the slippery slope of big government intrusion into lives, I would warn Alabaman bullkeepers and Cowboys to stock up on their whips and chaps before this goes any further.
Is foreplay illegal? I wouldn't consider tongues, mouths, fingers, and fists as "godly given gentalia."
Ha fists, all they are doing is encouraging pre-marital sex by forbidding young girls to take care of business otherwise. Watch for a rash of girls reporting to the hospital with weird stuff suck inside them. Or worse, horrible unintentional genital mutilation.