Album 3 Stylin'


Mr. Nasty
Dec 16, 2001
The 7th Cornice
Album 3 is being talked about, and the band must have some idea of a few songs by now (the site has mentioned working on Album 3 for some time now). While I sell the t-shirts and CDs at some of the gigs, I am not in any way "in the know" about anything (at all. Even tying my shoelaces is a challenge).

Last year I came up with an excellent and quite believable (to some...) album cover for Album 2 - but the reality was arguably better than my hoax. I still maintain that "Dragon Hunter" would have been their best bet for international stardom, however uncomfortable those leather thongs would have been.

So what does everyone think or hope the next theme/colourscheme/title will be?

I'd suggest a colorscheme in Denim and Leather, but then, that's rather similar to NVS... I'll put some prototypes up here when I can get this Paint Shop working.

Any thoughts?
hi ya MattBlack,
yeah loved the idea of your piccy last time...

why not ask the band / management if we could perhaps run the new album cover as a competition?
then the budding artists / designers amongst the fans can have a go and see what comes up...

personally i'd prefer a full on metal / fantasy cover!
MattBlack said:
*nods vigorously in agreement*

Maybe they could extend the Warrior/Dragon theme by having Valkyrie warriors riding dragons? Perhaps with Denim Hotpants and Leather whips? :loco:

genius, now they would need an aspiring model and some other models to do that wouldnt they?? cant have drawn/painted ladies, doesnt add to the affect!! :p
Painted what be wrong with painted ladies?!!

How about having Lakis riding astride a dragon settled on a hill top, waving a big ole flying 'V' above his head (lightning bolts shooting from the 'V') and loads of cowing, scantily clad (hot pants a must) metal goddesses beneath with the other three members winging there way on other dragons to land beside Lakis....

oh bog the dragons, use Unicorns they're more fun and dragons are so old hat these days... in which case we will have to have the other three band memebrs galloping to join Lakis.
Peter Day said:
Painted what be wrong with painted ladies?!!

How about having Lakis riding astride a dragon settled on a hill top, waving a big ole flying 'V' above his head (lightning bolts shooting from the 'V') and loads of cowing, scantily clad (hot pants a must) metal goddesses beneath with the other three members winging there way on other dragons to land beside Lakis....

oh bog the dragons, use Unicorns they're more fun and dragons are so old hat these days... in which case we will have to have the other three band memebrs galloping to join Lakis.
they arent real!!! you want REAL ladies to do this sort of thing!! :)

Im not really seeing Lakis on a unicorn tho.............
Yeah Matt I wouldn't mind seeing more Dungeons and Dragons on your 54 sleave :tickled: Last year that had me thinking! I did believe it was genuine for some time...:erk: :oops: As for the real thing I'd settle for Charlotte's idea:D why not?

Not so much bothered 'bout he album coer, just can't wait to get my hands on the album!!Hopefully it'll be promoted with a tour so...exciting times ahead:hotjump: :headbang:
TheFaceOfAllYourFears said:
What Is It With Dragons And Power Metal!?!?!?!?!?!?! :OMG:
Actually, skip the Dragons - it has just been revealed to me that the cover is as follows:


While I realise this is quite a Departure from earlier themes and image, Lakis has stated that all Area 54's music is indeed inspired by the Holy Trilogy - so this is the band's tribute to George Lucas, our lord and saviour.​

(image copyright Lucasfilm)​
So the rumours about the song titles are true?
"We meet again, at last. The circle is now complete. When I met you I was but the learner. Now, I am the master. "
and "Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances."
and my fave "Uh, we had a slight weapons malfunction, but uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?"
Diamond Dave said:
So the rumours about the song titles are true?
"We meet again, at last. The circle is now complete. When I met you I was but the learner. Now, I am the master. "
and "Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances."
and my fave "Uh, we had a slight weapons malfunction, but uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?"
Sounds like that may be true - and the Japanese Bonus Tracks, "Boring Conversation Anyway" and "Your Faith in your Friends is Yours!".

You heard it here first!
I've heard the song titles are
'from light to dark'
'One hand heroes' (originally thought to be a song about mastubating! but now understood to be about learning to fight properly)
'Like Father like Son'
'metal box hero (under titled - 'another droid bites the dust)'
and the all time classic 'Show us your Darkness'
plus the space travellers classic hidden at the end 'Let the Wookie drive'
some classic lines from that last song include
'make a dive with the furry one,
go on, let him have some fun.
Dodging laser beams, to and fro.
I think the wookie knows which way to go!
So let the Wookie drive
he's guaranteed to keep you aliveeeee!!!'

PS am i allowed to say that word i used earlier?? opps!!
he he he he!
I just got word that there will be at least two singles, which will be competing with Britney Spears' projected single release, and the inevitable comeback of that Aussie soap reject Natalie Imbruglia (or however you spell it).

The first to be announced (unofficially at this stage...) is the upbeat punkesque track "Who's Scruffy Lookin'?".

(image copyright LucasFilm)​