Album of the month!!

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Reading in Germany's RockHard magazine for August, I see Blink of an Eye has been rated the best album of the month. It also gets a glowing review as Enchants "masterpiece".
Congrats guys!!
And a few minues ago Amazon just delievered the special edition and I'm listening for the first time right now.

Congratulations Guys !

You truly deserve it !
I'm also hot for writing a good review for that should be online very soon hopefully !

Well done guys, and you can't count on me to spread the word in France

Ze Dan

Thanks much you guys!

Your the best. Hey this is great news! I can,t find that mags website? Got to get a copy of that!

We are hoping people will be moved by this one! We are really happy with it! Ted sang his ass off!



Here is the german review:
Blink Of An Eye
Endlich! Es ist vollbracht! Wie von Boris in der letzten Ausgabe im Zehn-Punkte-Review zur Wiederveröffentlichung des Band-Debüts „A Blueprint Of The World“ angedeutet, haben es die US-Prog-Rocker trotz mehrerer erstklassiger Nachfolge-CDs leider nie ganz geschafft, an der durch den eigenen Klassiker verdammt hoch angesetzten Messlatte zu kratzen. Mit „Blink Of An Eye“ ist ihnen das nun vorzüglich gelungen. Das Warten hat sich also gelohnt, und das Resultat ist die - zusammen mit dem überragenden Rush-Comeback - bislang beste Scheibe des Jahres. Woran´s liegt? Irgendwie haben es ENCHANT erstmals geschafft, alle ihre spieltechnischen Tugenden zu bündeln und in kraftvolle, mitreißende Kompositionen zu verpacken, die streckenweise sogar den musikalischen Spirit der Klassiker von Psychotic Waltz oder Fates Warning aufleben lassen. Vor allem die subtil inszenierten und permanent zwischen verträumt und verhalten aggressiv hin und her pendelnden Licks und Soli von Gitarrist Doug Ott dürften jedem Die-hard-Fan der genannten Combos eine meterdicke Gänsehaut verpassen und Freudentränen in die Augen treiben. An dieser Stelle sei nur auf das geniale Einstiegs-Triple verwiesen, von dem zumindest ´Monday´ mit Sicherheit bald Klassikerstatus genießen wird. Sänger Ted Leonard klingt mehr denn je wie Steve (Kansas) Walshs kleiner Bruder und liefert seine bislang überzeugendste Leistung ab, obwohl man fairerweise der gesamten Band ein dickes Lob aussprechen muss.
Spätestens wenn das fantastische Instrumental ´Prognosis´ nach über einer Stunde den grandiosen Schlusspunkt unter dieses silberne Goldstück setzt, dürfte jedem klar sein, was hier Sache ist: Diese musikalische Göttergabe der Marke Fates Warning meets Rush meets Dream Theater meets Marillion meets Psychotic Waltz meets Kansas gehört in jede gottverdammte Sammlung und dürfte - nein: muss! - ENCHANT endlich den längst verdienten Platz an der Sonne sichern. Sofort kaufen!

Wolfgang Schäfer
9,5 out of 10

I hope the band is encouraged to go on, maging records and touring. Would be great to see Enchant in Europe.
Haven't got my amazon copy yet, but the announcement that they will deliver it in the next two days.



Thanks for the review, Wolfgang. I'll be translating it and posting it as soon as possible.
To all the other people on here: if you have new reviews, send them off to


Here's my translation (interpretation :p ) of the German Rockhard review. BTW their website is at

At last! They've done it! Just as Boris pointed out in his 10 point review in the last issue of the re-release of the band's debut "A Blueprint Of Teh World", the US prog rockers have unfortunately never quite managed to reach their own very high standards set by their own classic, despite several first rate releases. With "Blink of an Eye" this has now been superbly achieved. The waiting was worth it, and the result is - along with the outstanding Rush comeback - the best CD of the year so far. What's the reason for this? Somehow Enchant have managed for the first time to gather all of their technical virtues and pack them into rousing compositions, which at times revive the musical spirit of classics from Psychotic Waltz or Fates Warning. Especially the subtly produced licks and solos from guitarist Doug Ott that constantly swing between dreamy and restrained aggression, could cause goose-pimples and bring tears of joy to the eyes of die-hard fans of the above bands. I'll just refer you to the brilliant opening 3 tracks, from which at least "Monday" will soon enjoy classic status. Singer Ted Leonard sounds more than ever like Steve Walsh's little brother and delivers his most convincing performance up to now, although to be fair one must shower the whole band with praise.
At the latest, after over an hour, when the fantastic instrumental "Prognosis" sets the the magnificent finale to this silver treasure, it should be clear to everyone what's what: this musical gift of God of the variety Fates Warning meets Rush meets Dream Theater meets Marillion meets Psychotic Waltz meets Kansas, belongs in every damn CD collection and may - no: must! - finally earn Enchant their long deserved place in the sun. Buy it now!

Thanks snowdog62 !
The review has also been posted under "reviews" now (surprise!)

-The Webmaster


Thanks for posting the review Wolfi123! Thanks also to Snowdog62 for the translation; I was wondering what the hell it said! Special thanks to Wolfgang Schafer for one of the best reviews of our career! You can't believe how much a stellar review can help your career.
Well, I've been in Germany doing interviews for a week now and I can't believe the response we are getting from the interviewers! I am amazed! I've spent a long time convincing/selling our records to the press around the world and it is so cool to have an album that seems to be selling itself; I'm not sure if I am dreaming or if this is reality. I am also not sure if Blink is all that much better than our past efforts--when you are as close to something as I am to our music, it is hard to be objective.


Sorry, the computer I was working on froze up on me and I had to reboot! :mad:
Anyway, where was I... oh yeah, There are other reviews coming out soon that should be pretty good as well. I'm hoping that they will be as good as the Rock Hard review, although I am not expecting anything as good as Wolfgang's review, I am keeping my hopes held high...and my arms are getting tired! :lol:

Anyway, take it easy gang!


Hi Doug,

You are not dreaming! This album really IS selling itself. It even reached Rank 98 in the Amazon-order charts here in Germany! Not bad and i hope that this will help you to come over to Germany in order to play live! It is really a shame you could not make it with the Juggling-album :(
I also read a review of Blink in the German Magazin Eclipsed.
Like in Rockhard it was voted album of the month (the album even contained a cd including Under fire!!!) and I hope I can find it somewhere in order to post it...

Blink is just a great album. I think what it makes so different is that it is even more diverse than previous albums. Especially Seeds of hate is a killer! And as Ed would put it: Ted has really sung his ass of. I would go even further: You ALL have played your asses of on this album!

I am surprised that noone has commented on the artwork yet... The whole cd is a real beauty! The artwork is brilliant and the special edition looks like a small hardcover book! I hope this will prevent many people from burning copies of this album...

I am glad that Enchant is still alive! And Sean really is a great drummer and is really doing a superb job on this album! Chapeau!!!! I hope you will find a keyboard player really soon in order to start planning for your tour! If I lived in the US I would come to your audition, but as am living in the States...
I wouldn`t be good enough anyway <img src= ALT=":\">

All the best to you all!


Ooops, a little slip here:

>If I lived in the US I would come to your audition, but as am >living in the States...

I wanted to say "as I am NOT living in the States"... It seems to be just a bit too hot in my office! :)


Man you are too cool! :cool: Thanks for all your kind words; it means a lot, really.

I checked last night at about 7:30 and we were ranked at 65! :rollin: But I just checked it a moment ago and we were at 317. :( Oh well, it is in the stores here (Deutschland) now and it makes sense that most people will just go to the store now that it's out.

So where in Germany are you located? I am in Kleve, at the InsideOut office, which is about 20Kilometers from the Dutch border near Nimwegan. Although I am missing my Wife (Robin) and my cat (Samantha), I would love to spend some more time here in Germany; I've toured extensively through the country but I'm always working, which doesn't give much time to see the sites and really enjoy the culture.

I have to run...another interview is waiting to be done.

See ya and thanks again,



Where am I located?
I live in Hamburg! Why don`t you pay us a visit? You should know Hamburg pretty well, as you have already played in 4 clubs (Knust, Logo, Markthalle, Grosse Freiheit) here. I had the luck to see all of your shows. Especially the one in the Knust (with Jadis) I remember well. We had a long chat together and what amazed me most was that before the gig a whole tube of hair gel vanished somewhere on Paul`s head. Even if the ceiling had come down during the gig Paul would have survived the gig totally unharmed. The perfect helmet!
