Album opinions, from the start... Power and the Glory.


Sep 9, 2002
Macclesfield, UK

Here we go again, this time with the album that I personally think that the American influence started to creep in, a great album none the less, for me its gotta be 'Watching the sky' every time, class on a stick. The album on the whole maybe a bit too polished but still raw enough. i bought the Lp off a neighbour of mine for £1 about 3 months after it was released (he was going through his maiden phase at the time and Saxon wasnt cool enough!!!o_O )
Power and the glory for me is prob me 3rd fav saxon album behind lionheart at the top then unleash great album power yeah the american thing did sort of slide in a little but theres not one song on the album i dont like the production is pritty good as well fav song of the album is prob the eagle has landed followed by midas touch great album and an album that after it id thought saxon would never come close to again but theyve done better then that for me and topped it with lionheart. Pritty awsome for a band running 25 years where a lot of bands run out of ideas and stuff.

Saxon for me have got better with age from biffs voice to the guitars drums production etc etc and im sure theres plenty more in the bag on the same lines as lionheart hopefully

But yeah power and the glory rocked and still does
Cracking album! One of my all time fave Saxon albums. In my opinion this is the first really well produced Saxon album. Fave tracks, the title track, Warrior (great galloping leap around the room and play air guitar song), This Town Rocks, Watching The Sky, and Redline. :headbang:
This is my third favourite Saxon album after (1) Lionheart, and (2) Unleash The Beast. As well as owning the c.d, i also have the picture disc album, which i bought in York about 11 years ago! :kickass:
Very cool, Mr Crusader! That has to be worth a fair bit!

I agree that P&G was the first stirrings of the band attempting a more univeral sound, but this was natural as they had covered just about everything else with 'Wheels' and 'Strong Arm' - A repetition of these albums would have been perceived as boring and non-ambitious. The band needed to progress and evolve, and P&G was the first proper step forward.

'Power and The Glory' - a classic metal song that mirrored Maiden's attitude towards the Rock Scene. I once thought that Saxon were inspired by Maiden with this song, but now feel that the opposite is more true.
'Redline' - A nice, simple riff and a great Rock song. Biff said that this tune reminded him of ZZ Top, but I personally feel that the song is something like what Bonn Scott would have gone onto if he were alive at the time. Biff's vocal style sometimes reminds me of Scott in many ways (during the eighties & nineties) and I'm sure Scott was a major influence. 'Redline' does not only sound like an AC/DC song, but has the same attitude.
'Warrior' - this was one of the main songs that got me into loving Saxon! The riff, the percussion and pure aggression are class, and I believe the band should play it in their live set today! It is a Saxon Classic! Again, there is a little of a Maiden vibe here, but only Biff and Glockler could provide the energy required in this song!
'Nightmare' - this is the first sign of a 'commercial' element to Saxon. It has a nice enough melody, but does not live up to what was it was trying to achieve. However, it was a definate sign of what the band were to attempt within the commercial market in later years.
'This Town Rocks' - this has never been one of my favourites. It was obviously written with a live audience in mind, and that is where the main problem is. The studio version just does not cut it and feels a little weak and mild. The actual live version is much better and is probably more of how the band aimed it to sound like. In retrospect, the original was messed up during the production stage.
'Watching The Sky' - an underrated Gem of a song. It is a simple, yet effective, performance that comes across very well in the studio. It's overall style was to be later reflected in later Saxon songs to better effect.
'Midas Touch' - this is one of my favourites from the album. Brilliant riff and percussion, alongside cool Horror/Fantasy inspired lyrics! A song that deserves a live return!
'The Eagle Has Landed' - this is a very important song for me. Upon hearing this track, I knew I had to check out the rest of Saxon's material! The song has so much to transfer to the listener: Saxon's Prog Rock roots, their Metal talent, the arrival of Glockler, the style and ability of Oliver, Biff's vocals and his lyrics. To me, this is Saxon's 'Bohemian Rhapsody', 'Enter Sandman', 'Comfortably Numb' or 'Breaking The Law'. It is a flagship to everything Saxon had done and was to do.
Just as a side note about this but after getting Diamonds and Nuggets I lifted two of the tracks from the P+G sessions and included them on the album for the car, these were 'Turn on the Lights' and 'Coming to the Rescue', the production quality is quite close to the album and it really fills it out nicely.
I was wondering when this was going to start up again hmm.....let me see great album saw the tour, got the t-shirt, overall a great album but for me not there best, prodution was spot on, in particuilar the drums
Favorite songs would have to be watching the sky, the eagle has landed when I saw them do this one live incrediable in fact they blew Maiden off the stage when they played that one.
Macc - it is a shame that the two songs you mentioned didn't make the final cut. In particular, 'Turn On The Lights' is a fine tune that could have had commercial success. 'Coming To The Rescue' has a nice anthem-feel to it, but probably lacked that little bit of melody that was required.

I wonder if the final say on which tracks made the album was a Band or Record company decision?
This certainly is a great album. I think Saxon started going 'American' on the Denim & Leather album, but I don't think it was so apparent on this album. But it certainly was on the Crusader album.

I loved all the songs right from the off, apart from Watching The Sky. I never really got into that song, apart from the end bit, and I always wished that bit went on for longer! I've always loved the solo's on Redline and Warrior too.

I have that picture disc vinyl that Crusader747 has put a picture of on here. Along with the autographed picture disc vinyl (printed on autographs), and the normal black vinyl version. Oh, and on CD of course!
I agree, Paxo - Denim & Leather did seem to take the band onto a slightly more American sound. Never the less, I still say D&L is my personal favourite! 'Watching The Sky' was never a favourite of mine from the album but has grown on me over the years. I think the problem was that the actual song did not seem to gel with the other tracks on the album in regard to style and theme.
'Crusader' was the definate indication that the band wished to take a more commercial, American route in order to gain success. Although this album, apart from the title track, has about two other classics on there!
But P&G seems to have a distinctively 'English' sound to it (more so than D&L), apart from about two tracks.
Im with you on that Nightwar, apart from Watching the Sky, which, if you really crank the stereo up loud (try it!) and hear that opening riff, im sure you'll think again, it really cuts hard, thats the reason why Ive elevated it above the rest of the tracks. By the way, did anyone ever hear of the compilation album 'Back on the Streets'? that had Watching the sky on it (then again, it also had Ride like the wind if I remember)

Production and copyright 1990 Connoisseur Collection


Track listing...
1. power and the glory
2.backs to the wall
3.watching the sky
4.never surrender
5.princess of the night
6.motorcycle man
8.wheels of steel
10.back on the streets
11.rock n' roll gypsy
12.brocken heroes
13.devil rides out till you puke
15.rock the nations
16.waiting for the night
17.i can't wait anymore
18.we are the strong
Album Rules!
Warrior, Midas, Eagle !!!! pure class album!
Only bad thing about the album....... the cover
For me the last MEGA ALBUM from SAXON.
All the albums before this one get's 10/10 , (this one 10/10 also).

The albums after that are good but they don't have that feeling of greatness, if you know what i mean.
Valanx - I have to be with you on this one: Midas, Eagle, P&G, Redline, Warrior - these are all classics. The only minor tracks are 'This Town Rocks' and that is simply because it didn't work out in the studio - it is a good track live. 'Nightmare' which is nice enough but has no balls - it was an effort to produce something more commercial which is understandable.

Regarding 'Back On The Street' -
Thanks, Mr Crusader. I haven't seen this one before!
Macc is right - it is a really strange compilation. I mean, it starts off really strong, with one Metal classic after another and then kind of fizzles out in a huge way! The last few tracks are about the weakest Saxon produced, and to end on 'We Are Strong'? Who the Hell thought of that?!!
All that aside, you can't deny that you don't get the whole spectrum of Saxon material. The range is, to put it mildly, expansive!
I think that now (looking back) any attempts by SaXoN to commercialise or Americanise the sound the had are not important, the album did indeed leave us some classics that continue to stand the test of time :headbang:
very good album, the least favourite numbers in my opinion are This Town Rocks and Warior.

when there will ever be another compilation album, then put Redline on it and Watching the sky.. love it. Midas Toch fantastic ..The eagle has landed splendid !, everytime I listened to this song I always put my volume button on maximum just to hear the ending of the solo at the end of the song, that outro-solo should have been longer, but ok you cant change that.. Nightmare a soft number but I like it for all the nice Graham Oliver solo in it.. thanx Saxon for this album:worship:

Just had to add something ..what I meant about a longer outro in the Eagle has Landed song is.. just to make clear,.. the part between 36min 34sec and 37min.10sec on the DVD Chrinicles Concert Wacken. Doug Scarret thats is so fantastic!!for al the part 37min.01sec til 37 min.03 sec where the sound of the solo goes up and then immediately goes down , only 3 seconds but so important for me. Thats what I like about Doug- Scarret- influence in Saxon and lots other things of course but this I just had to mention..
Heavycelli - it may be only 3 seconds, but as you're a fan and they mean so much to you, I know how important they are! And I know that Doug would love your comments!!
I'm with you all the way on the 'Eagle' solo at the end - the ironic thing is that it works so well because it fades out too fast! You want more!

'Eagle' was a song that ordered me to love Saxon! Before I was a fan, it was the first track on a compilation that I had bought, and when I heard it I thought 'How the Fu*k have I missed this! It's bloody amazing!'