Alehorn of Power Fest 2

I will!! We are having breakfast at Chef Mickeys!!!
Also, another breakfasts with the princesses....
I know you younger guys are jealous!! :lol:

Oh darn! Forget the Alehorn of Power, man. This is truly my dream. :( Slough Feg, Novembers Doom, Om, Weedeater, Acid Mothers Guru Guru, shit like that will all come again! Breakfast with the princesses only happens ONCE man! Only once!:cry:

Hey, some of the Disney princesses are smokin' hot man!!!! :lol:

Weedeater... I always laugh whenever I see that band name, as their used to be a TERRIBLE Chicago-area hardcore band in the late 80's with the same name.
Hey, some of the Disney princesses are smokin' hot man!!!! :lol:

Weedeater... I always laugh whenever I see that band name, as their used to be a TERRIBLE Chicago-area hardcore band in the late 80's with the same name.

I used to like Weedeater....the hardcore band from Downers Grove. Some of the guys are in that one band you like...cant remember the name...from minneapolis.
Yeah, Alehorn wasn't well attended.
It is a shame, since the lineup is solid and well-diversified genre-wise.

Based on internet hype alone, last year should have been packed with Manilla Road and Slough Feg. This year with Slough Feg and Nov Doom, it should be as well.

Please post a review for whoever goes.
I am sure it will be a great show. I dont think the turnout will be that great. Last years was really empty. At most maybe 300. By the end of the evening it was like 60 or so. Slough Feg were amazing last year. Hopefully this year they play more off "Traveler". I think the new disc can go for worst album cover of 2007 though.
Not really, I am terrible with song titles since I listen to most of my music with my CD walkman on the train so I never learn song titles. I just know what number songs I like from each disc....sad but true. They only played like 2 songs off Traveler a bunch of older stuff and a few from Avatism. They were very intense live. I read a great comparision the other day to the Geiko Cavemen and the lead singer for Slough Feg.....very true. Great frontman.