Alesis Multimix 16 firewire

Thorax the Herdsman

Procrastinating Fuck
Just a quick message to see if anybody else here uses one of these, and if they can give their opinions? Just starting to set up a studio for my band now, got a 58, 2 57s, a set of cheapish drum mics and my macbook with 2 gigs of ram, so really it's just the interface/mixer to go. Amp wise we'll be using my 5150II and a DSL60, along with a 4x12 loaded with greenbacks.
Would be good to hear any thoughts :)
Supposing I go for the firepod instead (I'm still researching) - what's the maximum channels I can record at once? Ideally I'll be needing to record from 8 drum mics plus a guitar guide track from my GT6 at the same time...

EDIT: Don't worry, went and had a look and it appears I can record 8 mic channels at once plus a stereo line-in channel too, so 10 in total.

So would people generally consider the firepod a better choice than the multimix? Thinking about it the mixing desk side of the multimix is surplus to our needs, so perhaps that money is better spent on a dedicated interface where the pre's are probably of a better quality?
It can record 10 at once. The only way you can record 10 though is by expanding it via SPDIF. It only has 8 Mic Pre's.