Alestorm - Sunset on the Golden Age


Epic Metaller
Aug 8, 2006
Frankfurt, Germany
Album Art



1. Walk The Plank
2. Drink
3. Magnetic North
4. 1741 (The Battle of Cartagena)
5. Mead from Hell
6. Surf Squid Warfare
7. Quest for Ships
8. Wooden Leg!
9. Hangover
10. Sunset on the Golden Age

Release Dates

August 1st: GAS, FIN & BENELUX
August 4th: UK & Rest of Europe
August 5th: USA/CAN
August 6th: ESP/NOR/S

More details -

Chris also revealed songs have already been written for the NEXT Alestorm album and that "dreadful late 90s power metal" songs have already been done for the next Gloryhammer album "in the next 18 months".
Fun video. This album feels a bit more enthusiastic than the last one. Looking forward to it, might get the boxset:).
I think you've anwsered this before Steve, but why do you dislike this kind of music? I know each to their own and no one can like everything, but you really seem to hate it? I'm absolutely not criticizing or mean anything bad, I'm just wondering.

Music can bring joy in many ways and sometimes I like listening to a good sing-a-long song that has no real meaning, part from just having fun.
I've always taken my music seriously I guess and never been one for the "drunken" sing along kind of thing....even in my younger days which were admittedly a long time ago.

Along similar lines I really can't stand Steel Panther either.......I just cannot see the fucking point of "parody" bands. For me...if I want comedy I'll watch a comedy show. Combining music and comedy...just equals "silly" to me.

Never really liked things like...can't even think of the name now for fucks sake....that Jack Black dude..pick of destiny....all that malarkey. Just doesn't do it for me at all.

But as I've said before, I don't think any of this is really geared towards someone like me
I disagree in the most part. We do, however, have common ground with the Jack Black/Steel Panther hatred!

Alestorm make catchy, fun, metal so I don't see a problem with the fact that the lyrics can be a bit (a bit?!) silly.

Edit - having said all that, I just watched the new video and (imo) it's pretty terrible. I think they're scraping the barrel these days.
Thing is, metal for the most part is pretty silly at the best of times. Many (most) serious metal bands have godawful lyrics and all the moody glares and clawed fist poses look pretty darn silly in the cold light of day.

It's the music that brings me back. There's just something about distorted guitars, bass and drums that speak to my soul like no other music can.

Long live heavy metal. Just don't take it too seriously.
Edit - having said all that, I just watched the new video and (imo) it's pretty terrible. I think they're scraping the barrel these days.

They're not as piratish as they used to be, I'll give you that. Then again they've lost more and more of that with every album. But still I find it entertaining:).
Never really heard Alestorm except maybe one or two songs a long time ago. Are they any good? Maybe this album is worth checking out after all.
Listen to their first album, it's amazing. It goes kind of downhill from there but all are worth checking out if you're into folk metal.
Their first album (Captain Morgan's Revenge) is pretty good. After that it gets really hit or miss but there are genuinely good songs on each album. It's just too much for me these days. I'm in Steve's camp. Can't do the silliness anymore. I still haven't heard Sunset but I did really like the songs Back Through Time and Death Throes of the Terrorsquid on the last album. The harsh part at the end of Terrorsquid is seriously cool stuff.
Their first album (Captain Morgan's Revenge) is pretty good. After that it gets really hit or miss but there are genuinely good songs on each album. It's just too much for me these days. I'm in Steve's camp. Can't do the silliness anymore. I still haven't heard Sunset but I did really like the songs Back Through Time and Death Throes of the Terrorsquid on the last album. The harsh part at the end of Terrorsquid is seriously cool stuff.

Check out 1741 + the title track on this album. They're really good and they feel intresting, while the rest of this album is kind of filled with songs that are there just to have 10 tracks on the album. The bonus song Questing upon the poop deck is a bit fun as well.
Their first album (Captain Morgan's Revenge) is pretty good. After that it gets really hit or miss but there are genuinely good songs on each album. It's just too much for me these days. I'm in Steve's camp. Can't do the silliness anymore. I still haven't heard Sunset but I did really like the songs Back Through Time and Death Throes of the Terrorsquid on the last album. The harsh part at the end of Terrorsquid is seriously cool stuff.
Reading back the older posts in this thread, yeah Michael, I can see what the silliness is all about. I don't really have much to say about it but I will admit it that music and comedy simply don't go along. It's a terrible mix because music was never created to be meant like that. It's just like putting chocolate in a vegetables salad....or 1+1 = 11. It's just as silly as that.
Reading back the older posts in this thread, yeah Michael, I can see what the silliness is all about. I don't really have much to say about it but I will admit it that music and comedy simply don't go along. It's a terrible mix because music was never created to be meant like that. It's just like putting chocolate in a vegetables salad....or 1+1 = 11. It's just as silly as that.

Music can bring joy in many ways, that's all I have to say about that.