Alex Skolnick Interview Question Suggestions!

1.differences between Ibanez and Gibson Les Paul?
2.religious beliefs,satanism,etc.?
3.any memories,video/audio footage of his Ozzy shows,maybe setlists,etc.?
4.opinions about actual metal players?
5.opinion about Low and Demonic albums? number,email,yahoo id?:heh:

good luck interviewing God,dude.:headbang:
was he clasically trained? what age did he start playing?how did he get so damn good at such a young age?and how does it feel regardless of how establishment recognizes testament to be one of the most respected,and one of the most inivative and influential metal guitar players ever:headbang: alex rules
Please ask about a alternating setlist.
Some suggetsions to play instead of the more or less stagnating set list.

do or die
eerie inhabitant
the ballad
greenhouse effect
perlious nation
seven days of may
face in the sky
so many lies
return to serenity

to name a few.

Don't get me wrong i love the songs they play but it would be interested if they would dig up some forgoten jewels.

Next question:
Will Chuck sing more "melodic" on the new record (like on Practice or Souls) or will it get in the same dircetion as The Gathering with a growling deep voice (i don't hope so).

Next question:
What is Alex favourite song from LOW and will they include some stuff from that record on the next tour. Did he like the song HAIL MARY (that`s my personal fav from that record)
I second the idea of asking about changing the setlist and Chuck's planned singing style. As for asking about Low and Demonic- that question is being asked in almost every single interview with Alex, but asking about single songs might be an innovation.
If I could, I'd ask about:
- the new testament stuff he's writing- let him say as much details as possible- is it melodic, technical, classical, experimental, will it have many tempo changes, heavy or catchy
- how does his jazz experience and classical training affect his writing process and the style of the stuff he's writing nowadays
- will he incorporate any jazz/fusion elements in his new Testament songs or solos or will he try to play like in the old days
- what kind of production should the album have, who would he like to produce it
- what bands he would like Testament to tour with- opening for bigger bands and what supporters
- does he follow the careers of old thrash bands (anthrax, overkill, kreator, slayer)
- what does he think about the renaissance of Thrash (death angel, defiance, heathen)
- what metal bands caught his attention (apart from Slipknot and Lamb of God- cause he always mentions these two)- not necessarily very heavy and modern but also more traditional
- does he have any spare time between all his commitments in various projects and if yes, what does he like to do
- places in the world he would like to visit as a musician
- how much of the new album will be his and how much- Eric's (will Greg contribute to the songwriting process as well?)
- will he write any lyrics- if so what will they be about
- how does/did he deal with popularity- now and as a teenager
i love chucks deth metal voice i think it has been a great help in keeping the band currant sounding and really brutal,dont get me wrong i am not a fan of deth metal but when chuck does it he sounds like a goddamn demon he has actual power and tone behind it not like the other mic burpers, but i love chucks voice no matter what.i am definatly with you on a set change i would like to hear p.c. :kickass:
as for the white hairs, I think he explained this on his site. I've read it somewhere and am pretty sure it was there- the FAQ perhaps
Found it!
Is that natural or is that dyed?
It’s natural (the gray streak in my hair, of course). Believe it or not, this is probably the question I get asked most often! It doesn’t matter if someone knows my music or not. Here’s the story: when I was fourteen years old, I noticed a funny looking hair on my head. I had just grown my hair long (this was before I discovered speed-metal and hoped to look like a young Eddie Van Halen or Paul Stanley) and here’s this one huge silvery hair from out of nowhere. So I pulled it out and went to ask my mother about it. She had no idea.

Was it a dead hair? Was it a grey hair? We decided to look at my father’s comb (he, in his mid 50’s, was completely gray). We removed one hair from his comb compare it. Sure enough, the color and texture was exactly the same.

I had one gray hair! We figured it was probably the last one I’d see for many years. But several months later, it was back. And it had company: three more grey hairs grew in where the old one had been. I pulled them out. Sure enough, about a year or so later, even more came in. Someone told me I was causing them to grow even more by pulling them out so I left them alone.

By this time, I was sixteen and had joined this band Legacy (soon to be called Testament). I met a friend of the band, who was a professional hair stylist. Let’s call her Linda. I spoke to her about it and we decided to try dying it black. The only thing was that we had to dye all my hair, not just the grey spot. It was worth a try, but somehow this look just wasn’t for me. It was close to my natural color, and not “jet black,” but somehow I felt like I could try out for Motley Crue.. I let my hair grow out again and was willing to take a chance. Would I become completely grey before twenty?

As it turned out, the grey stabilized and became limited to one streak. Now that my hair’s short, it’s more of a patch. But it’s always there, regardless of which style I choose to go with (unless I were to do the shaved head thing, which I have no interest in doing). I’ve had stylists tell me that it would be impossible for someone to be able to dye their hair like this, as there is no color that comes close to natural gray.

I don’t know what, if anything caused it. Some have said it’s probably a birthmark. Others have suggested I might have hit my head as a child. But whatever the case, it’s become nature’s trademark for me.

Ask him about his guitars, we only ever see him play his Ibanez S Series and Gibson Goldtop Les Paul, so how many others does he have and what are they.

Also are there any plans for a custom made guitar or any endorsement deals with companies such as ESP or something since most players seem to be going that way.

And does he prefer jazz or metal :p!
Hey thanks for the post Kayleigh 666!,I think I may have read that a few years ago but a refresher is always nice.
And I didn't remember he had joined legacy/testament at such an early age:headbang:
I know this is typical questions, but I really want to know:
I wonder how much Skolnick practiced when he was younger?(before Testament, and when he was in Testament)
How long did Skolnick take lessons with Joe Satriani? Maybe Alex Skolnick can share some of the important stuff he learned?
Are there anything going through your mind while soloing?

Hope you can ask him some of these questions, good luck!