Alex Skolnick music store horror stories.

Am I the only one that finds some of that to be totally unreadable with the way the text is laid out?:erk:
Hilarious stories, especially the guy who kept calling Alex for a month. :lol:

Sadly, this type of thing is very typical, I've had to deal with idiots like this constantly, almost always at Guitar Center, and they always call me "bro." Why they hire some of these brotards is beyond me.

I do pretty much all my music gear shopping at a local independent store where I'm friends with most of the employees, as well as the store manager, for more than 10 years. If you're ever in the Santa Barbara, CA area, I highly recommend Instrumental Music. They are the antidote to the brotard mentality of Guitar Center. Genuinely knowledgeable, honest guys who are there to help people find what they are looking for.
Sounds all way too typical for all corporation music stores and small boutique stores. The boutique guys act like they are better than you, and hassle you about either NOT touching the gear period or assume you don't know as much as they do about music and in turn treat you like a little kid, and the corporates just hire retards, mindless zombies who just make sales, and trick you into buying more expensive shit than you need because they want more commission.