ALEX SKOLNICK: 'There's No Need' For TESTAMENT 'To Do A Record Every Year'


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
Metal Wani editor in chief Owais "Vitek" Nabi recently conducted an interview with TESTAMENT and METAL ALLEGIANCE guitarist Alex Skolnick. You can now listen to the chat below. A couple of excerpts follow (transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET).On the progress of the recording sessions for TESTAMENT's follow-up to 2012's "Dark Roots Of Earth" album:"I think, at this point, there's no need to do a record every year, like we used to. The records, they come out when they come out, and when they're ready. At this point, we're looking at the first half of next year. But we've started on some material and it sounds good; it sounds good so far. It's just that… it works at its own pace… But in the meantime, we've been very active with shows. We're about to play in Japan. We just played the Riot Fest in September and Heavy Montreal — all these really great shows — and we did a whole five weeks in Europe, did some festivals, played with METALLICA for the first time, did a whole tour with EXODUS in the U.S. So even though there hasn't been a new album, we've been very active. I think we need for the live shows to die down a bit to make the record happen; that's usually how the band works."On whether TESTAMENT's next album will include any death metal-style guttural vocals from Chuck Billy:"Yeah, I think we'll do that… He doesn't like to do it all the time, and I don't blame him, but that does show up in some of the recent records. Like 'The Formation Of Damnation' [2008], that has a part in the middle where there's definitely death metal[-style vocals]. But then, the rest of it he sings in his classic style. I like it; I like it for certain parts. I'm not as much of a fan of the songs where he did that through the whole tune, and I think he feels the same. We'll put it to use, but it'll be used as a tool."On what other TESTAMENT album the upcoming record will be closest to, stylistically:"I'd say probably the recent one. 'Cause 'Dark Roots Of Earth' was the first one with Gene [Hoglan back] on drums. And I think he has more of an imprint now, 'cause we've done all the touring since then with him, and I think that's gonna definitely affect the outcome of the writing."
