Alexi Laiho ripped off Marty Friedman

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oh please.

"imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"

It's alot alike....but its far from a rip off.

thanks for getting me back on MEgadeth though...I forgot how awesome this CD was. :headbang: :headbang:
RIP is definitely one of the top 5 metal albums of all time... and while i like the CoB song, it just annoys me every time i hear that lick. sort of like the lick in "Follow the Reaper" that is identical to one in "Hate Me"; he must have been seriously flattering himself there.
Megadeth owns!!! Dave is a fucking god! Isnt there a little solo riff in the new album that is pretty much from Randy Rhoads???? who cares it still sounds awesome as hell!!!
§tygian Apothegm said:
first of all you ASSUME he ripped it off. proceed to take your head out of your ass. ok now that you can understand me, STFU. im sure he does not intentionally create similar sounding riffs to piss only you off. and im sure he doesnt give a flying fuck about what you think either. get over it. listen to the music. enjoy it. quit bitching. no point in bitching. it's stupid and makes you look like an ass.
after a post like that I CAN'T HELP BUT THINK THAT I AM THE ASS!!! :Smug:

after all, my original intent was to infer that laiho only stole the riff to make me angry. nice induction there on your part. and i am also aware that alexi laiho is beyond criticism, as he is a deity that simply "doesnt give a flying fuck" (and how do you know he doesn't care? are you his official spokesman or something? maybe he will read this and go "whoops! i fucked up and grabbed a riff from megadeth! bad!") but then again, i assumed that he ripped it off. which... he basically did. but then again... i said that i enjoyed the song, right? so where do your complaints come in?
I'll start by saying "that time of the month" means that it's the time for another wave of idiots who bitch about all the things CoB "stole". And I've seen in an interview his exact words saying that he really doesn't care if he makes up a riff that sounds like someone else's, because it's incredibly easy to do (all musicians do it)... since you obviously don't realize, I'll tell you: all musical ideas come from other music and other sounds... okay? Sorry to break it to you. And if a really cool riff or lick pops into your head outta the blue, and you decide to put it in a song, it's pretty easy not to notice that it's from X album and X artist from 198fucking2 or whenever, esp. if you've heard a million fucking bands. Do you understand now why ppl were giving you shit?

And yes, sorry again, but if you look at the posts here, everyone definitely thinks you're the ass, if anything. I think maybe one person agreed with you. Everyone else is sighing and shaking their heads.

Seems to me lots of really off-topic threads are finding their way here. Why is it that every time the staggering revelation hits them that BBT's riff is from something else, or whatever it is at the time, they have to immediately make a new thread (and NEVER in the off-topic, oh no)? Edit: Sorry to be such a dick man, but we've seen waaaaaaay too many threads like this.
I noticed the similarity like 10 seconds after I heard the CoB song. But I don't care. Just like I don't care that "Northern Comfort" has a riff similar to a Guns 'n' Roses song called "Coma". Or that there is a mistake on "Hate Me!" last chorus.

At least I don't "give a flying fuck".
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