Alexi to appear in comic book series "Eternal Descent"


Jan 31, 2009
near Hoffenheim
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IDW Publishing has launched a forum on their company web site featuring the ETERNAL DESCENT gothic comic book series created by guitarist Llexi Leon. IDW is the home of comics like 30 Days of Night, Star Trek, Transformers, G.I. JOE, and many more. The first Eternal Descent issue hits retailers' shelves March 31st, 2010. The comic book series features iconic metal guitarists as comic book characters. The IDW forum is posted at this location and features discussion about the comic book, guitarists and polls moderated by Llexi Leon himself.
Eternal Descent comic book issue one kicks off the series by introducing Leon’s original characters and sets the stage for their epic battle. Metal bands GOD FORBID, ATREYU, FIREWIND, STATIC X, CHILDREN OF BODOM, among others, will appear in Issue two and onward, with corresponding interviews included in each comic.

The footage was filmed at the 2010 NAMM Convention in Anaheim, CA this past January and contains highlights about the comic book's concept with shots of new products featuring Eternal Descent art.
Leon began making noise in London, England in 2005. His highly intricate guitar style exhibits the many influences corralled to create his intense sound - from classical, flamenco, electronica, and ambient genres to the more prominent genres of rock and metal. All of these genres infused to one, Leon has built a cinematic metal fantasia with his music, which has branched out to a comic book series. His main aspirations are bringing stories to life through escapism.
Leon utilizes everyday events and his vivid imagination to drive him to create more avenues for his multimedia enterprise. To prove its tangibility, Leon, who is responsible for the basic concept artwork, storyboards, and character design/creation, has assembled a team of artists through Space Goat Productions, including:
- Jason Metcalf on pencils and inks, and a driving force behind detailing the Eternal Descent world, who previously worked on The Darkness and Magdelina.
- David Rivera will begin inking over Jason’s pencils from issue two and beyond, while Javier Tartaglia and Joel Chua, both veterans of many Marvel and DC comics titles, provide stunning colors.
Leon also began his own production company, Incendium Records, to release his first concept album Losing Faith and the EP The Phantom Of The Opera. This fulfilled Leon's dream of having all Eternal Descent media developed with the highest standards under one roof. Leon recently began recording his third CD release with producer Eddie Kramer (JIMI HENDRIX, LED ZEPPELIN, KISS) at the helm.
Presales for the comic book are now available. To find a comic shop near you, call 1-888-comicbook or visit

Well I guess I'm looking forward to the "corresponding interviews", don't quite know what to say to the comic appearance :p
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Llexi is obviously very talented, and this board is obviously populated by several losers who could never even hope to be talented and have nothing better to do with their pathetic little lives than post baseless insults on discussion boards
Llexi is obviously very talented, and this board is obviously populated by several losers who could never even hope to be talented and have nothing better to do with their pathetic little lives than post baseless insults on discussion boards
True that! Kinda hard to find a very fruitful convo without idiots popping out with their idiotic comments. So yeah I know the feeling.