Alexi's magic arpeggio's


Capsicum Slave
Feb 19, 2003
The Land of TAXES [SWE]
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Anyone know what arpeggio's Alexi throws in to most his solos. It is a faster than... Even with winamps Pacemaker I can't slow it down enough to pick it out. HE ALWAYS PLAY's THEM LIVE!!

If you got an gp3/4 file please send it, if it is correct... :)
Pacemaker heavily distrorts the sound when it's slowed down a lot and (at least on my computer) makes it sound like there's a LOT more notes played. Try Chronotron II, there's absolutely no distortion on that one.
Anything Minor and probably some phrigian modes too, he does mixolydian, Harmonic minor, melodic minor, a lot of kick ass scales
YJM uses a lot of phrigian mode, and harmonic minor, along with other improvisations
yeah, well i just found out about guitar gods and what not, i just used to play it, i didnt really PLAY it. Now since i discovered COB, I'm 10 x better than what i used to be, and i keep etting better every week or so
@stoned - Actually im at work right now so i am unable to go onto MSN, but i will set my MSN to automatically accept the file from you over night