Aliens vs Predator

ah yes i remember seeing that thread and i agree with you to an extent. that link is for a trailer if you haven't already clicked it yet. The movie could still be good but i'm not holding out for any major surprises. the plot and resulting outcome is readily apparent almost in the trailer.:erk:
cool new trailer over at ... the on;y thing that worries me is the director, as he made some really cheesy movies before. and that cast does not do much either.

and yes, the ending seems to be in the trailer .. weird
Well that's good to know then. I hate it when trailers include scenes from the end on a movies. Just ruins it for me. I'll try to see this but i'm not going to drop everything and run to the theater just to watch it.
I hope its good because I am a huge fan of all the Alien films (yes even the vastly underrated Alien 3) and I do like some of the movies that this director has done especially Resident Evil and Event Horizon.
Rodrigo said:
I do like some of the movies that this director has done especially Resident Evil

and Event Horizon.
:cool: Very underrated.

AvP is (probably) going to be a piece of shit. The last two Alien movies were pieces of shit, and done by better directors than Mr Mortal Kombat aka 'lets turn the movie into an MTV video', so I hold out for little hope.

With that said, I'll probably see it the day it comes out. :D
The rough cut of Alien 3 that's on the new DVD is actually pretty decent. They cut out a lot of interesting stuff. It's funny to note that David Fincher has completely cut ties with that movie; he never felt it was indicative of him as a director because the studio made him change so much. Anyway, Alien 4 was by far the worst; only thing that could've saved that movie would be a 15 minute lesbo sex scene with Winona Ryder and Sigourney Weaver, shot porno style. Alas, they didn't realize that, and they wasted 2 hours of my life.

At least the Predator series knew when to die, with a classic and a decent but underrated sequel.

I don't have too much faith in the director, but I did LOVE Mortal Kombat when it came out (I was 17 and I didn't have the internet to show me what real movies were). Then again, it was the script that was weakest on that movie.
jimbobhickville said:
At least the Predator series knew when to die, with a classic and a decent but underrated sequel.
Agreed. Gary Busey at his finest. :cool:

I don't have too much faith in the director, but I did LOVE Mortal Kombat when it came out (I was 17 and I didn't have the internet to show me what real movies were). Then again, it was the script that was weakest on that movie.
Heh, I'll admit to liking his "Soldier" movie with Kurt Russell. Go figure.

The thing about AvP is a bit like the Freddy vs Jason issue. Too little, too late. They should have made these flicks 10 years ago.
jimbobhickville said:
The rough cut of Alien 3 that's on the new DVD is actually pretty decent. They cut out a lot of interesting stuff. It's funny to note that David Fincher has completely cut ties with that movie; he never felt it was indicative of him as a director because the studio made him change so much. Anyway, Alien 4 was by far the worst; only thing that could've saved that movie would be a 15 minute lesbo sex scene with Winona Ryder and Sigourney Weaver, shot porno style. Alas, they didn't realize that, and they wasted 2 hours of my life.

The rough cut is excellent. At least it gives more light to what Fincher was trying to do. All the documentaries are also extremely interesting. Considering what Fincher had to go through its a miracle he even delivered a movie.

Yes Alien Resurrection is dreadful. That horrible white hybrid alien was the worst creation ever!
aliens 3 and 4 sucked.
Predator is my favorite movie
Predator II was awesome but not great.
the previews for Alien vs. Predator look cool to me at least. Im a huge predator fan. so im all about this movie. I actually liked resident evil and im looking forward to the second one.

go predator!
hm? why all this hating on alien 3 and 4? they're as good as the the 2nd albeit not like the first. the scenery of alien 3 and resurrection are great, and the photo especially in resurrection

(the predator movies rule immensly btw, the second beeing almost as good as the first)
3 and 4 almost as good as the 2nd?
The 2nd is still the best scifi "military" movie of all time. best characters, Hudson! Hicks! Apone! Vasqueze! Drake! Nute! so many good quotes! made is 86 and still ahead of anything else.