alive again+need help


Sep 8, 2004
hello evry1.*big waves* bin in hibernation 4 the last, wel year or so...yawn :Smug: thought it was bout time i dropped by and said hey2 evry1 who knows me. nice journey back matt? am as excited as u lot me thinks bout album no3, and th scandaly clad ladies sounds even better! lol. i can't figure out how2put a pic against my profile.. :yell:
Hi Tink - journey back was er... a big blur. James and I had smoked and drank waaay to much. I remember holding my head, and I remember the coffee on the ferry... Our designated driver deserves many thanks. And you for letting us get into that state at your home :cool:

To upload an piccy, you have to first get an image that is 100x100 pixels (most graphics progs like paintshop will tell you that), then click "User CP" at the top left of the forum when you are logged in. The pic settings are under "Edit Avatar". You can browse your computer for the image and upload it there.

I have no idea what your experience with pooters is, so alternatively, you can send me a pic, I can make it the right size, and give you a link to type into the control panel.

Okay? :ill:
oo thanks, think it worked now! likes ur pic by th way, v flattering. is that ur earhole? or is it just dark? maybe u turned urself invisible? likes it....bit mashed right now, didn't hav a wink of sleep, 2busy gettin fuzzed up, i'm typing quicker then i can move my fingers and that feels weird. any1 got an opinion on megadeths nu album? only heard it once but i likes it. :)
bollox. it's all set brain can't deal wiv rebellious computers right now, i'l be back when i've had a snoooooze[/COLOR]
Heh - doesn't appear to have worked, but keep trying. My Pic is about to be changed - but at the mo, it is the inside of my pocket, with flashes of something else.

The System Has Failed is okay - much better than their other more recent efforts, but I find so much in it which sounds a lot like other tunes I've heard...