All Dayer In Leeds

hopefully this is the right place to post this, looked like there wasnt anything pertaining to gig announcements...

its been a while since i been on ultimatemetal (or any forums outside of raw nerve), but i return with a top bit of gig news for you..

June 19th, Leeds Bassment (centre of town), 6 way birthday fest! - MAN MUST DIE - HUMANFLY - BRODY - RED STARS PARADE - BROKEN ACCESS - SON OF THE MOURNING - ONCE I TRIED
£4 for the day, doors open at 2, first band on about 2.45/3.. going on until 9, with raw nerve dj's.. juvenile hall follows.. its all good .,, for any more info, flyer, map/directions ...

hopefully see some of you down there, gonna be lots of mosh for ya!!

nice to see ultimate metal has sorted its transfer over.. hopefully a few people might well see this thread..

if any UM people wanna come along to this gig to review it then give me a shout or post in here, and it can easily be arranged.. i think russell was originally thinking about coming up, not sure if he still is...

i already got someone staying at mine, another mate coming up from london for this one (well, watford to be precise), but am sure we could find somewhere around the place.. one of the raw nerve lot would probably have a spare bed/couch or at least a floor and covers..

if you fancy coming up and doing a review for it, then of course you get free entry, so that saves a few squid..
Sweeet, then count me in! The only reason I may no be there, probably at short notice, is because I have to go on fieldwork for my summerjob. We don't know when it is, because we're going down a mine and need them to get back to us, but that is one of the few weeks I could actually go :erk: Will let you know as soon as I do for sure :)
Cool cool. Yeah, is a bit silly, but basically we have to fit in around the mine (if they let us go down), so it's out of all of our hands... Hoping it won't be that day. Will mail you to get directions/bus number/whatever to get from the station to the basement at some point.

Also, you want your username changing, what with your departure from Tangaroa and all? :)
is it possible to change it without losing the post count? i aint bothered to change it in a few places.. had to resign in in all the other places i got new names like kerrang, metal hammer, collective etc.. but any i could still log into i didnt change it..

its easy to get to the bassment from either stations but yeah, can get you there, depending on what time you got here if you are coming, i could nip down and meet you, its about 10 minute walk..
Sweet, I'll try and make it down there earlyish then, if that's cool for you to nip out then? Just lemme know a time that suits! The fieldwork looks like it'll be from the 27th for five days now, so it should be cool!

Yeah, the name can be changed to whatever you want, everything else will stay as is :)
hey russell, will drop a mail in to you on sunday about this, a mate coming up can get there for about 1245 and am meeting him before going up, so could maybe do the same with you?

dill, its musical and personal differences, something thats been going on for a while and wasnt resolving, so its worked out for the best, they have started gigging with a new bassist literally as of tonight, and i am happy doing my own incandescence stuff and being productive on the bass for the first time in ages..
not in narcosis either, they always wanted someone who was in their own area in no other bands, they found someone whilst i was still in tangaroa.. shame really, always enjoyed the fast with them .. :)

mr chaos
that would be top if you can make it along.. definitely come and say hello if you can do it..