All girls BLACK METAL band :P

Thanks guys, I brought the drums up a bit and you were damn right, sounds much better now.

I also boosted a bit the high mids of the guitars, I found my mix too dark.

New link in 1st post
i wouldn´t cut the guitars in the staccato parts that hard. sounds very unnatural. maybe just fade them a little more in.
where are the pics from the girlzzz?!??
Sounds awesome man. I would maybe try to mess with the guitar cuts a little more. Also, there may be some way you can manage the guitar higher frequency to let the cymbals shine a little more. Another think I noticed is when they do the lowest palm mutes then can, I think the resonant frequency sticks out too much. I would try to use a super narrow eq and pull that down a little because there is just a little too much low end on the guitar during those specific palm mutes. The blasting part at the end is pretty sweet.
Thank guys, I'll check out your suggestions tomorrow drdan. I'm still not happy with the guitar tone, I'd prefer a real amp by far, especially for this style... I used Metal amp room but I'll try something else.

We recorded vocals today, and holy shit, I've never heard someone screaming that loud before, so much fucking power :/ I always have to put gain fucking high on my profire using my s7mb, but with her vocals it was around 2/3...

With all those growls/black metal shrieks and the clean ''operatic'' vocals, shit sounds epic.