All I want for Christmas is for Daddy to stop touching me.


Aug 30, 2001

Letter to Santa leads to man's molestation arrest

PHARR, Texas (AP) -- A Texas man has been arrested after a 9-year-old girl wrote to Santa Claus asking that a relative stop touching her and her sister.

The Monitor of McAllen reports that a man from the town of Pharr was arrested Friday and is in the Hidalgo County jail.

A criminal complaint says the girl turned the letter in at Cesar Chavez Elementary School. Authorities interviewed the girl after a school counselor reported the letter.

The complaint says investigators believe the molestation occurred over a period of four years.

The man is charged with continuous sexual abuse of a young child and could face as many as 99 years in prison if convicted.

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and a hannah montana t-shirt with matching thong.

and an iPod.

and a cell phone.

i fucking hate kids. and i fucking hate yuppie parents who buy them that shit.

not to divert from the whole child molester thing, it's fucking disgusting and there's some justice in the fact that he's gonna get the shit raped out of him in prison, but... still, i just hate kids. a lot.
I didn't get a cell phone until I was almost 18.

Just crazy how some kids in elementary school get phones and stuff. There is something seriously wrong if we could all go through school without one, but this generation has to have them. They're going to lose or break them any way...

It's a conspiracy...
I didn't get a cell phone until I was almost 18.

Just crazy how some kids in elementary school get phones and stuff. There is something seriously wrong if we could all go through school without one, but this generation has to have them. They're going to lose or break them any way...

It's a conspiracy...

I bet my 7 and a half year old niece is gonna get one on her eighth birthday this year. Wouldn't surprise me, knowing my sister as well as I do when it comes to money. I didn't get one till after I was 18.
Agreed with the cell phone stuff. My parents weren't about to pay for one for me. When I finally got one (at the same age as you gentlemen above), I bought it, paid for it, and continue to do so. Kids in elementary school REALLY don't need them.
Ah, yeah, when I was 8 I think only the military had cell phones. By the time I hit high school, some folks had them, but you could stop a mugger with one even if you had no self-defence training, and you were a likely target for a mugging based on what the damned things cost. I fail, therefore, to understand why small children 'need' such a device that must limit a parent's ability to control who contacts them and why.

Yeah, and I thought the story was awesome. Child abuse is never OK, but what a coup that "Santa" really did get the little girl what she wants for Christmas.