All Natural Indy/Alt. Rock. -opinions needed.


Jan 11, 2009
Brisbane, Australia
So today I finally started mixing a band that I have been recording.

This is the first mix for one song and I know some things are not quite right but I'd love to get some opinions and help, as this is something a little different from me(mix wise)

I'd rather no one suggest sample replacement or augmentation as well because I want this to be 100% natural. That's not me being an asshole, I just want to test myself and see if I can pull it off. Mix Test 2.mp3

Drums sound sick man! I dig 'm! Vocals might need a bit (more) reverb? They sem a bit too dry at some parts. But really like 'm though!
The guitars sound a bit weird... maybe too thick, maybe cut some at 500Hz? (just an idea).
In general it's a kickass song and production too!

EDIT: What band is this? Really dig their stuff!
Drums sound sick man! I dig 'm! Vocals might need a bit (more) reverb? They sem a bit too dry at some parts. But really like 'm though!
The guitars sound a bit weird... maybe too thick, maybe cut some at 500Hz? (just an idea).
In general it's a kickass song and production too!

EDIT: What band is this? Really dig their stuff!

Glad your enjoying it. the guys write fantastic songs and we barely did any pre production as it wasn't neccesary.

Band name : Jakarta Criers.

on another note. one of the songs is gonna have alot more of a roomy drum sound. We introduced alot of reflective surfaces and pulled down the baffles that were surounding the kit for that particular song.
Awesome mix man, maybe the vocals could back off a bit more or be thinner in the part with the clean vocals. Really good song too!
My only real issue with this is its all really narrow. Overheads are soft and not very wide, guitars aren't hard-panned (or don't sound it), and everything else is smack bang in the middle.
Also, I find the hats leaking thru the snare mic gets annoying with the complex beats. I would just get rid of the gate for those bits (or automate it to duck less), like SOAD's Toxicity. Sure, the hats will be a little loud but its a better option than them ducking in and out IMO.
As someone else mentioned, I find the guitars a bit weird, and a bit loud.
Other than that it's a really cool mix, gj.
My only real issue with this is its all really narrow. Overheads are soft and not very wide, guitars aren't hard-panned (or don't sound it), and everything else is smack bang in the middle.
Also, I find the hats leaking thru the snare mic gets annoying with the complex beats. I would just get rid of the gate for those bits (or automate it to duck less), like SOAD's Toxicity. Sure, the hats will be a little loud but its a better option than them ducking in and out IMO.
As someone else mentioned, I find the guitars a bit weird, and a bit loud.
Other than that it's a really cool mix, gj.

Thanks for checking it out Morgan,

I cant remember where overheads are placed but I'll check that out when I get a chance.

Big problem with this band was getting them to double track. this song actually has alot more spread than anything else...I think. 2 guitars during prechorus. 2 for verse and 2 for chorus. I had to explain alot of times that I couldn't have all this stuff fighting for the same space.

Im glad you picked up on the snare/hats. I honestly didnt think it was that bad but will do a mix revision and pull it out.

as for Gtr's Ill pan them hard and maybe pull some mids. but thats the way they need to sound. we tried 3 different amps with the big muff and that was the winner.

Again thanks.