All Shall Perish - The Price of Existence


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
All Shall Perish – The Price of Existence
Nuclear Blast – NB1670-2 – August 8th, 2006
By Jason Jordan


More punishing than Frank Castle himself, California’s All Shall Perish have provided a great, heavy companion to their previous effort Hate.Malice.Revenge. Though The Price of Existence is perhaps the epitome of deathcore done right, it’s more multi-faceted than many records in the same vein – displaying hardcore and death metal tendencies while unafraid to incorporate melody, which is all iterated via expert musicianship and exceptional songwriting.

All Shall Perish are quite the opposite of the one-trick pony as The Price of Existence experiments with technique by including elements that aren’t necessarily needed for a style such as this. For example, “Eradication” not only contains familiar, albeit requisite, deathcore ingredients but also throws in vocal differentiation – gang shouts, pig-like grind growls, commonplace growls, and strained shouts. A mellow composition such as “Greyson,” which ostensibly functions as an interlude, doesn’t feel out of place despite its musical variance. The instrumentation is almost more noteworthy than any other component, however, since the five-piece seem to be on top of their game both collectively and individually. All Shall Perish wield a surprising amount of melody – especially considering this style’s propensity for striking emotion from the recipe – and occasional nuances like bass drops add to the flavor. Much of the lyrical assault on TPoE centers on political matters, and it’s difficult not to join in during the first verse of “Better Living Through Catastrophe” when Hermida shouts ‘Fuck everything you ever told me’, even if you’re unaware of who, exactly, he’s addressing. And “We Hold These Truths…” and “The True Beast” – the title of the latter ringing true – simply crush everything in their paths to dust.

At their base level, ASP are a violent unit with an unnatural amount of talent at their disposal, which, thankfully, they’ve put to good use on their sophomore outing. It may not shatter past achievements by other bands – nor does it break new ground – but it’s a damn fine record with enough redeeming qualities for even a casual fan to sit up and take notice. For the Hate.Malice.Revenge owners, this purchase is a no-brainer.


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Official All Shall Perish Website
Official Nuclear Blast Records Website