Allentown, baby!!!


And your little dog, too!
Jul 21, 2002
New York City

Just got home a little while ago. Great night. The traffic in Jersey sucked all sorts of ass, so I missed most of Ion Vein. I was hoping that things would be behind schedule, but the show seemed to be running pretty smoothly and Jag Panzer were on before 10pm. They kicked ass, of course. :headbang: Thanks to a really cool guy in the front, I managed to wedge my fat ass into the corner near Chris' side and proceded to lose my voice from singing along with the Tyrant. :Spin:

The guys were as gracious as ever, and it's always nice to see them. I miss them already. :erk: Did the other forum members who said they'd be there get to meet them? I hope so. I was hanging out with them downstairs and a bunch of people were asking for autographs, but I wasn't sure if any of them were from here.

Anyhoo, I got very little sleep last night, but I'm sure I got more than the Panzer guys did. They had to be back at the airport by 6am or some such craziness -- John is getting married today!!!!! :headbang:

That's it for now.

I though Jag kicked ass last night!! I didn't see you Chris but I was right up in front of Chris and I was the one the bouncer kept telling to STOP taking pics :D

I saw the guys pulling up in the van but had a beer, tried to go outside but the bouncer wouldn't let me:err:

I figured, i'd finish my beer so i downed it, got another and tried to go downstairs to the meet n greet but AGAIN a bouncer told me i couldn't go down with a beer:err:

I downed that one too! LOL I got down, only saw Chris and Rikard but they seemed busy. I also saw some of the guys eatting food off to the side but didn't want to bother them. I wish I could have had a BBQ for them like we did when they played in NJ here in 2002 and hope someday venue permitting we can:cool:

I did see Mark off to the side before Twight Oddssey were finished and had the bouncer tap him on the shoulder and I shook his hands at least. I knew the guys were rushed and all but that's cool and no biggie:cool: I'll be seeing them again whenever they play in the NY/NJ area.

Mark threw a pic my way and came over to myself and another guy (from here?) with a Jag T on and pointed his Dean our way and all in all I think they were great! they always give a great show and they kicked my ass last night.

I took as many pics as i was able to LOL and will post them in a thread.

To Mark and the guys:

I wish we could have hungout and chatted but just seeing you guys "LIVE" is what it's all about \m/

Golden_Goose said:
I though Jag kicked ass last night!! I didn't see you Chris but I was right up in front of Chris and I was the one the bouncer kept telling to STOP taking pics :D

OMG, I was in the corner on Chris' side, too. I could have reached over and smacked you in the back of the head. LOL. If you saw Harry grab some chick's hand while he was singing, "The lady and I devised a plan, yadda yadda" -- that was me. :) It's too bad we didn't get the chance to chat. Ah well.

Btw, Twilight Odyssey were really good last night. They continue to get better and better each time I see them.

Stardust2112 said:
OMG, I was in the corner on Chris' side, too. I could have reached over and smacked you in the back of the head. LOL. If you saw Harry grab some chick's hand while he was singing, "The lady and I devised a plan, yadda yadda" -- that was me. :) It's too bad we didn't get the chance to chat. Ah well.

Btw, Twilight Odyssey were really good last night. They continue to get better and better each time I see them.


Feel free to smack me anytime :loco: I saw Harry do that Chris:cool:

I agree about TO and think they keep getting better and better:cool:
Excellent show! I went to see the band based on some stuff I'd heard over Internet radio and reccomendations. I walked in just as Jag Panzek took the stage and was blown-away! Awesome show, really made my week. Managed to get a band t-shirt signed for my fourteen-year-old son and he's been wearing it all day!
Rummah said:
Excellent show! I went to see the band based on some stuff I'd heard over Internet radio and reccomendations. I walked in just as Jag Panzek took the stage and was blown-away! Awesome show, really made my week. Managed to get a band t-shirt signed for my fourteen-year-old son and he's been wearing it all day!

Awesome! you're a cool dad for sure :cool:

Welcome to the "Panzer Division" Of the Jag Panzer fan club:D
Rummah said:
Excellent show! I went to see the band based on some stuff I'd heard over Internet radio and reccomendations. I walked in just as Jag Panzek took the stage and was blown-away! Awesome show, really made my week. Managed to get a band t-shirt signed for my fourteen-year-old son and he's been wearing it all day!

You are one kickass dad. :headbang: Can I ask what station you heard the band on? I'm part of Seismic Radio, so I'm curious. :)
