Allright Goddammit

dorian gray

Returning videotapes
Apr 8, 2004
I need some new music. Present me a list of the best albums money can buy, obscure, mainstream, I don't give a fuck. I'm open to any genre but I really only want to listen to metal. Post 10, 15 or so and I'll give y'all a few a days to respond. Only the best groundbreaking stuff please. I'm not going to post my entire collection but here's what I have that some of you might recommend, so I'll save you the trouble:

All Opeth albums
All Rush albums
Candlemass - Ancient Dreams
AiC - Dirt
All Megadeth albums
Nile - couple o' albums
Cryptopsy - couple o' albums
Agalloch - Pale Folklore
Black Sabbath - Paranoid

Obviously I need some more stuff
Thanks in advance!!!!! o_O :err: :loco: :puke:

Edit: oh yeah, let me know where I can get the stuff too. I usually order from The End but you know how that goes
honestly, listening to a "variety" of Slayer on KNAC now ... i realize how this stuff is not appealing to people that are just being introduced to it ...

but Hell Awaits ... man ... :kickass:
i just bought the first 3 Bathory albums and am loving them, so.....but im in a huge ugly black metal mood lately
klabautamann, i'm telling you man

unfortunately it seems to be out of stock at redstream and that's the only place i know that has it...willowtip, TER, everybody else doesn't have it...unless anyone else has some bright ideas

so other than that get some death and emperor asap or face losing all metal cred :p
From the top of my head:

Amon Amarth - Once Sent from the Golden Hall
Arckanum - Kostogher
Burzum - Hvis lyset tar oss
Deathspell Omega - SMRC
Dissection - Storm of the Light's Bane
Immortal - At the Heart of Winter
Naglfar - Diabolical
Ondskapt - Draco sit mihi dux
Koldbrann - Nekrotisk Inkvisition
Watain - Casus Luciferi
Ulver - Bergtatt
cthulufhtagn said:
klabautamann, i'm telling you man

unfortunately it seems to be out of stock at redstream and that's the only place i know that has it...willowtip, TER, everybody else doesn't have it...unless anyone else has some bright ideas

Der Ort is available at Dark Symphonies for $8. Remember, everything at DS is $8 permanently now.

That said, not sure if I would recommend this to Dorian considering his current 'collection'.
cthulufhtagn said:
i dunno, he likes opeth and agalloch...i'd say that's pretty close

yeah true, I meant that since the collection is so small, there are several all time classic "must haves" that he needs way before Klabautamann IMO.