Alnico VS Ceramic Pickup Magnets!


Dec 28, 2010
As I can see in Bare Knuckle's website (Warpig Pickup) the difference between Alnico and Ceramic pickup magnets is very small.

You can check the clips in the right sidebar under "Sound Clips" obviously.

Just saying.......
The Alnico sounds noticeably softer and fuller to me in those clips. I think it's a significant difference, although a TS if used might make it less so.
The Alinico Warpig is obviously brighter, with maybe a touch more of the 3khz in it's natural EQ curve. I definitely prefer the Alinico for the lead sections. The Ceramic seems a little thicker, punchier, and more overdriven, as I figured. It has less of the 800hz area in it's sound and (to me) is the more impressive rhythm pickup of the 2.
Dude... this shit is a week old. I wouldn't sweat it. And maybe he doesn't have the best monitors and can't hear the difference. I haven't seen him say anything shitty, and if he does, Lasse or someone else will tear him a new one. A new RandomOne!!! ... ok... I know... that was terrible.