Alright, lets say Kalmah does a video for a track on TBW, which should it be IYO?


New Metal Member
Feb 11, 2006
For me I think I'd love to see To the Gallows, its just incredible.. The name of the track alone could provide the story to the whole video, something like that would be deliciously dark and awesome.
I think it should be Time Takes Us All or Bitter Metallic Side

Those are my favorite songs at the moment by them so those definatly need a video :p
Revenant said:
Bitter Metallic Side or The Groan of Wind. Either of those would be amazing.

agreed. Either of the two. I can just picture the groan of wind with that swamp guy on the album cover running around haha that would be sweet :headbang:

dooo iitttt!
Well, I like almost all da songs, but I would pick Bitter Metallic Side (not that its my fav or w/e but I dono, I just feel that this song would be great for a video clip!!)