I think their new singer Myles Kennedy is a far superior vocalist to Snott Crapp. Tremendous power in his voice, incredible range... somebody build a power metal band for this boy!

I agree. Stapp is a joke though. Myles sings with a passion that you just don't hear too often from a main stream band these days.

I think their new singer Myles Kennedy is a far superior vocalist to Snott Crapp. Tremendous power in his voice, incredible range... somebody build a power metal band for this boy!

New lead singer? Now my interest is perked. Scott Stapp is everything that is wrong with the music business. Well, not really, but paraphrasing an Office quote seemed perfect there and I do hate him so.
New lead singer? Now my interest is perked. Scott Stapp is everything that is wrong with the music business. Well, not really, but paraphrasing an Office quote seemed perfect there and I do hate him so.

Myles Kennedy sounds nothing and I mean nothing like Scott Stapp. Myles actually has a very unique voice.
