Alternative music


Apr 9, 2004
:dopey: With all the success that the prog. rock thread has had (and all the great artists I was able to discover from it), I hope this one would also get some participation.

Anyway some of the alt. rock artists that I've been listening to recently are;

Lisa Germano - her OP8 project, Geek the Girl etc. She repeats contradictory lines to brilliantly quirky effect(quite unlike Meatloaf :yuk: ). Check out songs like OP8's Cracklin' Water

Nina Nastasia - like a goody goody version of ms. germano. Really good stuff; the song This is What it Is has a tune that resembles GY!BE's East Hastings. Check that song out here --->

Magyar Posse - postrock in the vein of Explosions in the Sky, though imo better. Singlesparks are Spectral Fires is possibly the best song in that genre that I've heard.

Wilco - nothing by these guys has ever disappointed me, and I'm really digging A Ghost is Born right now.

Other favs:
Neutral Milk Hotel
The Decemberists
PJ Harvey
Deadboy and the Elephantmen
I thought Wilco were a real dissapointment when I heard them.

Ive never really understood the term alternative, it seems to be tossed aroung alot but most stuff termed alternative is just pop music under a different banner.
Bands like Muse, Oasis, Coldplay are labelled as alternative but they are still pop structed inoffensive tracks that fit well on the radio. Making them similar in my mind to pop music, here U can even hear PJ Harvey on TV.
because something is on TV does not make it pop. remember folks, Opeth had a TV stint for Damnation, Tool is on TV and the radio... etc.

i'd list all the bands i consider good alternative rock, but i'd probably get flamed to no end for it, so...