Am I being really dense?


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Thw cover to AFDTE - so there's a photo of his family (presumably) and a missed call on his mobile (they have tried to ring him - they are worried). He has got out of the car, run towards the sea while stripping, presumably to commit suicide (i don' think he's going skinny dipping with a title like AFDTE). But then you turn the page and there are painkillers, a gun, alchohol,and the guys reflection in the mirror - ????. So he must have not commited suicide like that (???) can anyone explain? (and ur not allowed 2 say I am being really dense ;) )
For some reason I thought it was his kid's reflection in the rearview...

What I'm wondering is what on earth is going on at the end of "Temporary Peace"? They're walking on the beach....One of em talking to himself (?) and the other one going on about dogs and cat and chickens. Am I missing something?
Originally posted by carlos
For some reason I thought it was his kid's reflection in the rearview...

What I'm wondering is what on earth is going on at the end of "Temporary Peace"? They're walking on the beach....One of em talking to himself (?) and the other one going on about dogs and cat and chickens. Am I missing something?

Just check out the FAQ at the official website for some explanation.
Originally posted by carlos
For some reason I thought it was his kid's reflection in the rearview...

It does look like a child's face somewhat, although it's difficult to tell.

And by my reckoning, the only way you could see the face on that side of the mirror would be if you were sat on the passenger side of the car and the person in the mirror was in the drivers seat. So, are there two people in the car?

As for the clothes on the beach, it reminds me of old British sitcom "The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin", which was a bout a bloke who faked his own death.
Maybe it's a ghost/spirit/shade or similar?

Hmmm, it's a tricky subject, I feel there's too much in that image.

Has anyone checked out Travis Smith's work on Terria yet? Some strange stuff in there too. Nice though.
i actually thought it was a faked suicide in this too-the character has chosen to leave his former life behind.....but i'm prpobably wrong.
Originally posted by Lord S
i actually thought it was a faked suicide in this too-the character has chosen to leave his former life behind.....but i'm prpobably wrong.

"If you can't...there's a lot of people who are restricted because of things they've not the time to leave or they can't leave, some political situation they can't get out of or some horrible situation they can't get out of. ANATHEMA says with this album that it is a fine day to exit and try to just leave all that behind and start again, it's quite fresh. People talk about it and look at the cover and see the title, A Fine Day To Exit, and ask " Is it a suicide ? ". No, it's not a suicide, it's a faking suicide. It's about a new birth, starting again, start a whole new life. " - Vinny

Just read the whole interview with Vinny and Les at (interview by Julia, Richard & Mehdi © Re-Connect 2001)