Am I on the right track with this mix?


New Metal Member
Apr 10, 2011
I didn't really have the intention of asking someone to answer my noobish questions XP But I'd like to hear everyone's thought on this short mix. Usually I don't bother doing full covers, just snippets of a song for the sole purpose to pump along my mixing experience. :loco:

I can't get quite the same awesome sounding guitars as everyone on the forum, but I like to chalk that up to experience and the fact it sounds like alot of recordings having had mic'd guitars, whereas I'm only able to use modellers for now :( Sorry for the purists, I believe I got some of the passages wrong.

Let me know what you think :)


(Sry just noticed posting in the wrong forum. Made a request in "Move Thread' posting.)
I'd delete the message myself but I can't seem to find the delete option for a thread while in the edit window. It only shows the Save/Go Advanced/Cancel Options