Ambient Melodic Hardcore Mix

Sounds pretty cool, man, I like the track a lot. Very ambient and spacy, some sections remind me a lot of the band Hopesfall. Everything sounds pretty raw and 'live' in a good way. However, it feels like the sub-bass is a little out of control, a multiband like the waves L4 could probably help control that low-end. If you ever uploaded the raw tracks for this, I would be totally down to try mixing it myself.
ha i have c4 on the master buss :rofl: but its barely moving it.

is the kick or the bass that is out of control? or just to much on both that needs to be pushed down a bit?

and thanks for opinion man and ill ask the band if they are down for it but the lead center track and alot of the little extra tracks were recorded with no di and and real cymbals with triggered shells. the lead has no post prossessing on it at all :p
Ah damn, that's problematic. I'm not sure I'd be able to match the tones tones as well as you. Maybe I can just take all of your bounced guitar tracks (with no fx, just raw amp sound), work with that and then do some MIDI drum magic. Hmm.
damn just asked the band and its a no go with raw tracks. maybe next time :p just updated it btw hopefully the sub bass is more under control. but i did very little to the c4 on the master tho so tell me if i got it haha and besides that i think i just changed the snare a tiny tiny bit and the rythem guitar. i kinda like where its at tho so most of these changes might not even be noticeable