America Freedom to Fascism

The narrator really has to spit out the chunk of orange he's suckin' on if he expects me to pay attention for the next 1:49:28
I've always thought cheating on your taxes was one of the most American things one can engage in, aside from not voting and having an unhealthy diet.
I am, at least in the background. Pretty interesting stuff. I gotta admit though, even I don't have too big of an issue paying taxes. Do I think I pay too much? Yes. Would I like it if I didn't have to pay at all? Yes. Do I recognize that nobody (except my pals of course) gets a free ride, and just deal with it? Yes.
I watched most of it. The argument of "how did the government pay for itself before 1919?" dosent really hold much weight when you take into account the changes and social programs enacted in the last centruy.