American ambassador in Brasil hit!!!!


Sep 25, 2002
Novo Hamburgo, Brasil
... by a pie in his face! It was during a press conference in Rio de Janeiro about the ALCA (Free Trade Zone of the Americas).

The brazilian ambassador Adhemar Bahatian and the american ambassador Peter Allgeyer were giving a press conference when a student from PUC (Pontific Catholic University) of Rio de Janeiro threw a pie that hit the american ambassador in his right eye. The ambassador left immediatelly.

Later the ambassadors told the protest wouldnt interfere in the process of the Free Trade Zone, which I lament deeply, since the Free Trade Zone of the Americas is CLEARLY a maneuver from USA to control the entire american continent economically.

Such a free trade zone is impossible to sucessfuly work in a place where one single country has more than double the GDP all other countries together. This will bring even MORE MISERY to Latin America, we will be true colonies of US.
of course it will. Like for example... US doesnt intends to stop its agricultural and steel subsidies and high tariffs over brazilians products. But Brasil would have to stop all subsidies and tariffs over US products!! How can we brazilians have any profit in this thing?
In other news, pie production in Brazil has gone up by 500%.
@Aces High, All the companies in the US, all textile industries, factories, etc moved to Mexico to find cheaper labor when NAFTA was passed. The same will happen here. Trust me, The US won't benefit.
Then why are they signing it? and btw they did benefit from NAFTA, it is just that the news (or politicians who are against it) only highlight the aspects in which the USA was not benefitted.
heh, well many mexican people lost their jobs thanks to american imports too, and they don't have unemployment insurance or welfare.
Fuþorc said:
The Factory owners benefited. A good chunk of this country lost their job because of Nafta.

not only many mexicans lots their jobs due to american products, as also the americans who got unemployed can get jobs in other sectors. US economy is growing much more than the rest of latin america, unemployment is very low compared to any latin american country. US moves its factories to latin american countries and creates new jobs in US that pay much more than industry jobs. While that, many latin american lose jobs and the ones that get jobs are shitty jobs in industry that pay nothing at all.