American Football Playoffs Thread

make your pics for the conference playoffs!

Eagles over the Falcons
Patriots over the Steelers

and to fully illustrate how wonderful a time this is for American sports fans, I present to you an aspect of the sport we can all get behind (literally):

I don't see how any game where theoretically any 22 people can be killed at any given moment is boring, but okay.

I'm hoping for a brilliant Pats and Steelers game, those are the two teams I predicted to win the Superbowl this year. Although Atlanta might just surprise everyone and win with a solid running game the entire time. But any way you slice it there are 4 highly good teams playing this weekend and it'll be a lot of fun. :)
J. said:
heh, those guys are wearing so much padding, they're probably bullet proof
with all the serious injuries/paralysis/and occasional death, they're far from bulletproof. if a guy plays long enough in the league, they are usually half crippled by their mid 40s or early 50s, and its been proven that life expectancies for ex NFL players is noticibly lower than the average populace.
There's no way. Not unless I started dating 12 year olds again.

Two choices: either a chick that hasn't been around but doesn't know what she's doing to you or yourself (EDIT: I mean herself, duh), or a woman that has had her share and gives the greatest head known to man.
maybe we could find chicks that get thawed out after falling into a glacier while on holiday from their convent. (This is reminding me of the knight in The Holy Grail who visited the convent).

GIRLS: A spanking! A spanking!
DINGO: You must spank her well. And after you have spanked her,
you may deal with her as you like. And then, spank me.
VARIOUS GIRLS: And spank me. And me. And me.
DINGO: Yes, yes, you must give us all a good spanking!
GIRLS: A spanking! A spanking!
DINGO: And after the spanking, the oral sex.
GIRLS: Oral sex! Oral sex!
GALAHAD: Well, I could stay a BIT longer.
Perilous peril!

That scene gives me a woody btw. "Please, we are doctors." Oohhhh yeah....
haha yes

Oh, I am afraid our life must seem very dull and quiet compared to yours. We are but eight score young blondes and brunettes, all between sixteen and nineteen- and- a- half, cut off in this castle with no one to protect us. Oooh. It is a lonely life: bathing, dressing, undressing, making exciting underwear. We are just not used to handsome knights. Nay. Nay. Come. Come. You may lie here. Oh, but you are wounded!
No, no. It's-- it's nothing.
Oh, you must see the doctors immediately! No, no, please! Lie down.
[clap clap]
Well, what seems to be the trouble?
They're doctors?!
Uh, they... have a basic medical training, yes.
B-- but--
Oh, come. Come. You must try to rest. Doctor Piglet! Doctor Winston! Practise your art.
Try to relax.
Are you sure that's absolutely necessary?
We must examine you.
There's nothing wrong with that!
Please. We are doctors.
Look! This cannot be. I am sworn to chastity.
Back to your bed! At once!
Best. Comedy. EVAR. Could be the greatest movie of all time even, oh man. Almost too funny.

"WHAT is your favorite color?"
"Blue! No wait, I mean pink------EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeee..."
