american freedom


Salt Sill
Oct 18, 2002
I'm doing some work here and watching / listening to the interrogation of def-sec Rumsfeld and the words "freedom" and "democracy" is coming up again and again to pat themselves on the back...

My first impression of this can be put down into one word;

Looks like the crazy texan is no more, at least if the american people are able to look past the republican propaganda.

Hopefully this fall; Bush Jr will look down the (empty) bottle again and whisper; "are you there?" (YES, I managed to get in an Anathema-reference there in the end :D)
Pff these American politicians really really piss me off!
Rumsfeld did not even personnally apologize for the tortures in Irak...
That's what he should have done...America is crazy.
Well... funny that the most sane one seem to be Robert Byrd, a half-dead democrat who served with Truman! *haha*
Hum...I dunno if the fact of being a democrat in this country is worth being mentioned, knowing that they all approve death penalty and almost all agreed with war in Irak, blinded by hate after the terrorist attacks...
I dunno, but what i can say is that I am glad to be European, just for the reason that i won't go there and be killed by some fuckin' rebels for any fuckin' unavailing reason.
french_anatheman said:
Hum...I dunno if the fact of being a democrat in this country is worth being mentioned, knowing that they all approve death penalty and almost all agreed with war in Irak, blinded by hate after the terrorist attacks...
I dunno, but what i can say is that I am glad to be European, just for the reason that i won't go there and be killed by some fuckin' rebels for any fuckin' unavailing reason.
I was talking about the democrat party of course :)

Also; BEFORE the war *most* americans were *against* the Iraq-invasion, though *after* the fact most "stood behind their leader" <- sad in my opinion.

Nothing against american citizens in general, but their leaders are asses.

Cheerio, ta leme and all of that!
and to add to that; "the people gets the leaders the people deserve" - "garbage in, garbage out"
People get the leaders they deserve?
I don't deserve G.W. or his coterie of cowboy lackeys, thanks very much.
Yes, I am American, so start the bashing........

Anti-American sentiment is interesting, as it transcends issues and involves the people themselves.
I cannot tell you how sick I am of (predominantly European) generalizations, misconceptions, and stereotypes of Americans.
I am against the war, absolutely opposed to Bush, and hold to beliefs generally more in line with those many in Europe adhere to.
However... it seems as though people like me don't exist in most Europeans' eyes- which, while not sending me over to GW's side, does infuriate me. I have spoken with many Europeans, and seen via news many others talking about 'the stupid Americans this', 'the ignorant Americans that...'

Stereotypes are for ignorant fucks. I'm educated, wordly, better versed in European history than most Europeans, open-minded, tolerant, well traveled, blah blah bloody blah, and yes, I do hail from that most reviled of nations, America.

Someone like me simply cannot come from America, right?
After all, ALL Americans are Bible-thumping rednecks with no interest in or concern for the world outside U.S. borders, are gung-ho/pro-military, right?
Further, ALL Americans are cultureless, drive huge, petrol-guzzling cars, have smimming pools, etc., and make loud, ever-complaining tourists dressed in Hawaiian shirts.

It is my mission, when I head over Europe in September, to relish in the looks of surprise I elicit from every shopkeeper, hotelier, waiter, chap on the street, etc. when I DON'T conform to their preconceptions of Americans.
One person at a time, one person at a time...
The bottom line---yes, there are millions of Americans who uphold every negative stereotype dredged up against us. There are also millions who don't. So the next time anyone says "The Americans are so___(fill in desired insult or expletive," exempt me from your hatred and scorn.
@Vinz from 'La Haine' First of all I didn't say that "all americans are turds" or anything like that - so stop lashing out in that direction, at least against me.

Second of all - the quote I used was originally said by George Carlin, and in this he is right.

I mean, in a demoracy you can get yourself knowledge and then either get politically involved or vote according to this knowledge. Democracy is a right, as well as a responsibility. (the bad thing is that a minority may have to suffer for the stupidity of the majority)

If you live in a country that has a dictatorship, the above of course do not apply - yet again; who enables dictators rule poor countries without resources that can be utilized by it's own country? (think about that one)

Anywho... cheerio!!!!
Vinz from 'La Haine' said:
Fair enough, just don't forget that many here actually support yours views against the U.S. government!
The bad thing is that not everyone are able to differ between "america" as a "nation", and the people who live there.

Of course there are idiots in the US, as well as there are here where I live, in France or any other place - it's just that the image of the "american way" is very negative worldwide now, which must be sad for people like you, that obviously do not approve of these views that you as a member of the "mass" (people) is supposed to have.

I doubt that you support(ed) all the american boosted death and violence in South America, Iraq, Iran etc (the "cold war", but still...)