'American Idol' Contestant Performs JUDAS PRIEST Classic (Video)

DUDE! im going to see 3 inches of Blood, lazarus A.D., amd Skeletonwitch in south bend, IN on April 10th, and there's this tight band opening for them.

they were called: FROM SHADOWS WAKE
my buddy knows the drummer and he recommended them, and i figured they were just one of those trashy metal bands, but no, these dudes freakin kill the stage!

i saw them play with Haste The Day and they TORE up the crowd. Thier vocalist grabbed me by the shirt and started screaming in my face, and grabbed this small emo chick's hair and did the same thing.


check them out
they're like August Burns Red meets As I Lay Dying Meets The Ghost Inside. With Like Animals As Leaders And Zao influence.

thanks guys