American Television....

you mean...all the slogans and force-fed peer pressure I learned in public school aren't going to help me in life?!?!

but you don't even know me!

seriously though I would not want to be that girls mom. not only to have failed as a mother but to have failed at even knowing the full extent of the failure.
Hahhaha, you beat me to it Habsburgs - it's no wonder some of the Euro people on this forum love to hate on America, but come on, we're a big fucking country, and no one will dispute that shows like Maury feature the absolute bottom-feeders of our society. And let's not forget that South Park is American television, and is one of the most brilliant, witty, and yet awesomely immature and irreverant shows ever made (I'm an absolute SP maniac).
wouah. I could not stand this spectacle more than 10 seconds.
If she was standing in front of me speaking like that, I just basically would go crazy, slap her in the the face and yell :

"shut up, you bitch, SHUT UP"

She eventually will have a baby, on a back seat of car by a random guy some day.

I am sure I can find this kind of mediocrity in european TV shows. Of course it's an act. More a freak show to me.

About South Park, this episode is hilarious.
I'm glad to hear that Jeff, eventho I really wonder why european networks keep buying shit like that. I must admit that you can't help geeting the idea, that americans must be the lamest people on earth when you not only get one, but numerous programs like that. And it's what we see most of (on Danish TV) featuring "real" americans.
It's sad because most people in US bands I've booked or played with have been some of the most awsome people ever.

Anyway, what I really can't believe I how she can have fucked 300 guys WITHOUT getting pregnant. I guess she takes it up the ass alot...:lol:
I'd pay for someone to punch that bitch.

That made me ill that someone could be that retarded.

Also, I think shows like that should be banned really for human bear baiting, because the people that go on them are too dumb to know better...

still it maded me LOL :D
Dear Europe,

Take back Colin Firth and leave him there. My wife makes me watch every movie he's in (which anymore equates to about 50 per year) and it's driving me fucking crazy.

Jason Green
:erk: Looked at a few more clips. Fake. They all come out and say the same line. " beep yall don't know me beep what" repeat. On cue. :Puke:
Bah, T.V sucks.
The only thing worse than American TV is Canadian TV! :Puke::Puke::Puke:

That being said, if you're careful, you can find some pretty cool stuff on US TV. Mythbusters, Galactica, Sopranos, Dogfights (areal, not animal!) Bill Maher, & cool shit like that.

The above clip is merely televised National Enquirer bullshit. Ignore it.