you said username said:not really hot..more like warm and awkward
no o.o it was last year at lunch he was right behind me in the lunch line and i can hear and feel him breathing down on me. i didn't bother to look behindenjoi17 said:did he come up from behind you like on that one umm "Hey Arnold!" show.. i dunno wtf i'm saying
~blondie~ said:aww...thats so mean to laught at a retard...
but i can't help it
I know exactly what you're talking aboutenjoi17 said:did he come up from behind you like on that one umm "Hey Arnold!" show?.. i dunno wtf i'm saying
you said username said:no o.o it was last year at lunch he was right behind me in the lunch line and i can hear and feel him breathing down on me. i didn't bother to look behind
~blondie~ said:do they get like shiney things for winning the special olympics?
-[chop]- said:That is fucking annoying...i tell them to back of when they do that ^^
you said username said:the breathing kid in 9th grade is in special education
well maybe they get cookies! or something else...i dont really dont need any talent to be in they might give them like dead kittens or soemthing....they would never know the differenceenjoi17 said:well, isn't that what you get when you win the regular olympics?