Amityville, My Nightmare


Bringer of the Child
Jun 4, 2004
Greenville, NC
I resently just got back from New York And New Jersey. York is nice, but Jersey is crap. Not the pint though. I had the chance to visit Amityville in New York. I figured to find out if the story was true. Me and my cousin go to the Town Hall and ask where the Amityville House is. Her eyes got big, and she said, "Are you sure?" I looked at her and told here yes. Why would i ask if i wasn't sure? She gave us directions and told us we couldn't go into the house or within 20 yards of the house. I told my cousin that it must be true. So we take these back roads, to the heart of Bum Fuck Egypt. There was the house, quaint, pretty, basically the now dead American Dream house. We get out of the car and notice Police tape around the perimeter of the house. Funny I thought. We start the walk up the path, a couple of other people where there checking it out. A woman was staring in the top window. Her boyfriend, and i say that because look to young to be married, was holding her shoulders. Me and Trevor, my cousin, walked up to them. We introduced ourselves. They told us about a lit candle floating around the window. We looked for a couple of minutes, and sure enough, a lit candle was moving around. I was now wanting to go inside. We were told not to, warned not to. I wanted to anyways. The couple thought I was nuts, and maybe i am. I crossed the tape, and stood in front of the door. Trevor was telling me to get behind the tape. I ignored him, being the pussy that he is sometimes. I tried to open the door. It was locked. I didn't bother trying to get in then. But as I turned, the door opened. Classic ghost activity. I peered inside the house. I saw a set of stairs leading up, and a foyer leading to the kitchen. I stood looking in for the longest time. Something just paralyzed me. I felt drained and immobile. Then I saw a bright lite. The couple where behind the tape, looking into the door. They couldn't move either. I didn't know where my cousin was. The lite grew brighter and brighter. It was like a dream. I tried to move, but couldn't. The house started to shake and I heard this hellacious BOOM!!! Then the light went just vanished. The inside of the house was undisturbed. But these two eyes, floating in the foyer, evil in every way, looked at me. They headed up the stairs. I realized I could move again and took off. To our luck the Cops where there. I got a ticket for trespassing and paid it off from home in NC. The cops didn't beleive my story. But in the woods, I saw a black military humvee, barely visible in the advancing dusk. The couple left, whether they saw the humvee, i've no idea. But me and Trevor drove away, a different way this time, being quicker to get to the main highway. About a quarter mile down the road I saw two more military Humvees sitting in the woods. One pulled out in the middle of the road and stopped us. A couple guys armed with M4's told us to leave or we WILL BE SHOT!! So, we did. That is a true story my friends, beleive it or not. DO NOT GOT TO AMITYVILLE!!!
What do you think? Government conspiracyand cover up? Or real ghosts and spirits, and the government covering it up?