AMON AMARTH 'Could Go On Forever' Without Changing Its Style


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
Metal Covenant recently conducted an interview with AMON AMARTH guitar player Johan Söderberg. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below. Metal Covenant: What can you say about [the] new AMON AMARTH record ['Berserker'] without coming out too cliché? Johan: "Well, we like that it is the same and we like that we are a little cliché. That's our style, you know, to keep the same concept. We want to have the AC/DC style and not change, although we change a little, but there isn't any bigger change." Metal Covenant: Does it get easier or harder for you guys to make records? I mean, you get more routine and experience for each record, but at the same time there's a greater risk to repeat yourself and end up in the same kind of track. Johan: "Well, it's always difficult to come up with riffs and stuff that you haven't heard before. Oftentimes it's, like, 'This is similar to that song. This is too similar to that one.' But in recent years we stopped caring about if it's a little bit similar to something else. Nowadays we're thinking more in terms of 'Is this good or not?' And we have also stopped caring about if it sounds like some other band, like, 'This is too much IRON MAIDEN.' And 10 years ago we wouldn't have used that stuff, but today we don't give a shit if it's too similar to IRON MAIDEN. If we think it's good, we will just keep it the way it is. Metal Covenant: AMON AMARTH's music is heavy, fast and melodic. How many albums can a band make with this kind of style without having to change more than you have done on the last couple of albums? Johan: "I think we could go on forever. Just look at AC/DC, you know. They've been doing their style since forever. They're not changing anything. And nor does SLAYER, really. I think it's good to have your own style, so people recognize it, like, 'This is AMON AMARTH and they sound like this.' If you look at a blues artist, blues is always the same chords; it's just different sounds, you know." Read the entire interview at Metal Covenant.

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