Amon Amarth Dec. 8th @ HOB Chicago roll call


Nov 6, 2005
I'll be there... my friends bought me a ticket for my birthday, which is the following Wednesday. Should be a good time. Hopefully it's not shitty weather.

I heard since Decapitated can't play the tour anymore, Amon Amarth is getting a longer set, but I don't know how true that is.

Beforehand I'm going down to Hawkquarters to meet Patrick Kane and Jonathan Toews from the Blackhawks if anyone here is a hockey fan. Not much of a Hawks fan, but I like Toews a lot.
Yeah I'm really pumped about this show. I must bring a viking helmet and practice my swirl headbanging. :headbang:
I'd be more interested in meeting Patrick Kane, and I would make him fetch me a beer!!!

(That will only make sense to those who watch hockey on TV).

I am not a huge AA fan, though I have liked everything I have heard from them. I will not be in attendance though.
Me and Pat (Mr. Kashchei .. doesn't post much) will be there. I'm excited to see Amon Amarth .. they are one of the more extreme bands I listen too, but I do quite enjoy them. I think it's the melodies .. catchy stuff .. gets stuck in my head.

Me and Pat (Mr. Kashchei .. doesn't post much) will be there. I'm excited to see Amon Amarth .. they are one of the more extreme bands I listen too, but I do quite enjoy them. I think it's the melodies .. catchy stuff .. gets stuck in my head.


Aren't you from another State dude?
I'd be more interested in meeting Patrick Kane, and I would make him fetch me a beer!!!

(That will only make sense to those who watch hockey on TV).

I am not a huge AA fan, though I have liked everything I have heard from them. I will not be in attendance though.

I'm with fact I'd also be more interested in poking my eye out with a fork.
No kidding.......
I knew you were friends with Zod.
Guess I assumed you were from the East also.

An ex-GF of mine went to I Screwed Up (ISU).
I've been there a few times.
What is the one club there, Mother Murphys?
Not sure which club you are referring to .. Mother Murphy's is a used cd/records joint on campus that also sells smoking paraphenalia, incense and whatnot. Rocky's, Shanigan's, and Pub II were the three main places on campus to drink back in the day ... only Pub II remains. That downtown area has been getting a big makeover.

As for Zod .. I met him several years ago down at Prog Power. A group of us all kind of hit it off, and have become good friends. Folks from that group have been to Powerfest's, BWBK's, gigs in NY, Philly, and even Wacken, Germany. We're thinking about heading to Slovakia this next year for Metal Camp .... I'm still up in the air over that one ;)

Awesome! Ok, yeah, I guess that was the record store.
There was a club where smaller bands played.
I know the Smashing Pumpkins played there a lot before they broke big.
For Diabolik:
