Amon Amarth DVd will contain Iceland gigs


... the domain of death
Dec 12, 2003
A metalmagazine had a report about the trip AA to Iceland..

there has been taping of videoootage for an upcoming AA DVD...

Possibly Close-up Magazine from Sweden. Their editor-in-chief went with the band to Iceland for an article. But there were possibly journalists from other mags there too.
Belgar said:
I knew they didn't go there by accident. Plus we never heard reports from the people who went to the Icelandic shows, maybe they could tell us if they were filming the show.

I doubt that you'll ever hear from those people. You know how it goes. Lots of forum traffic before the show and none after.
Since I was in SE Asia right after the AA Iceland Trip, I couldn´t write much about it ... but yeah, we filmed both shows with 5 cameras. I have to edit the whole stuff now, and then we´ll see what Metal Blade wants to use.
Belgar said:
oh no, almost like german arschloch means asshole, but aard in dutch means earth. But I see what you mean .... :D

lol..thnx for backing up...

in the mean time I will try to scan the pages, but I dont know how many of you can read dutch :D
Belgar said:
kan je het artikel afzenden bij email ?

hmm...! even geduld alstublieft, het scannen ging niet best, en de Aardschok site is down, misschien dat het artikel digitaal staat....

to be continued...
MALMÖ VETERAN!! SORRY im too durnk but my c firends are CHILEANA nds fuckign sambucca snd shit nsd we have big balls hey yo we're fgrom MALMÖ in sweden it's the ganagstyer town of sweden check it out hahah from all countriwes keep your wllet safew hahah välkommen till MALMÖ!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Tomasz said:
I doubt that you'll ever hear from those people. You know how it goes. Lots of forum traffic before the show and none after.

is that so?
well, then let me give you a wee little report on the show.
This is also aimed at Belgar, for expressing a wish to see somewhat of a report on these shows.

The first one, held at Grandrokk, was incredibly crowded. There was sweat literally leaking from the ceiling (i´m not making that up). Apparently 167 paying visitors (in comparison; 112 reported to have gone to see Mastodon, whatever that is) which is pretty damn good, considering this is Iceland and all :) The atmosphere was spleeendid. Three bands supporting them, all rather diverse but it ran smoothly nonetheless. Amon Amarth played a thight show, the sound was nice and rough. Oh yeah, the sound was nice at Grandrokk.
Then the next day, the show was held at Tónlistarþróunarmiðstöðin. Also three bands playing there, and some 144 paying visitors. I don´t really know what Amon Amarth's show was like at that second gig, because i only went to see the first band play and so left long before Amon Amarth got on stage.

There´s quite a bunch of people that seem to be very content with Amon Amarth's show, a lot of people that had a really good time.

I don´t know what else i can say. I liked the show. Aman Amarth were mighty fine.. but i must admit that i prefer the two icelandic bands that opened each gig.. but as i said, that´s just me :)

Anyway, i´m sure there´s someone out there who can describe the whole thing better than me. I didn´t even notice whether either show was being filmed.. i noticed some digital cameras.. but i wasn´t really paying attention to it, and so wouldn´t know who had 'em, might have just been some zealous icelandic fans trying to catch the moment on film.