Amon Amarth in Australia? AA Bootlegs.


Jul 6, 2003
Melbourne, Australia
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Will there be any chance at all that AA will get here down under, i was going to do a fundraiser with a friend who knows the band personally but that didn't end up happening.
Also does anyone have any AA Bootlegs? Videos or CD's? and i mean VHS Videos not the ones for the computer.
If you do just PM me or reply in here.
PaganThunder i dont know who you are, but I am the guy who came up with the idea of getting a fundraiser thing together....And no i dont think they will ever come to Australia...Be like me and make yourself go to them! NExt years wacken im fucking there! and if they do ever come to Australia i know who will be there tour guide. And yes i have videos etc.. on tape from fredrik.
PaganBlood said:
PaganThunder i dont know who you are, but I am the guy who came up with the idea of getting a fundraiser thing together....And no i dont think they will ever come to Australia...Be like me and make yourself go to them! NExt years wacken im fucking there! and if they do ever come to Australia i know who will be there tour guide. And yes i have videos etc.. on tape from fredrik.
Poohaa, you're coming to Wacken man? So will I with the entire Danish legion, we gotta team up. Just look for a Danish flag and some drunkened bums....
Yeah Clint, I reckon i will have to head to Europe in the coming couple of years if i am to see the Mighty AA live! And you still haven't let me borrow that Video, i'll shout the beer if you bring the video haha. I fuckin' want to see how AA are live, i am guessing superior as they should be!
Hopefully one day AA will make it down under!!
SkullFucker said:
Im planning on hitting Wacken in 2004. My Australian brothers coming? We shall destroy germany together!
LOL, that was a good one see a bunch of koala lovers try to invade the fierce germanic empire. If you want to invade Germany, you could hop on a truck in Turkey and smuggle yr way in like 1000's of them, seems to work wonders and the guards at the border don't care. Once in the country go buy a one liter bottle of some german mead, blend in the landscape and mission accomplished.

But seriously, I would not mind going to Australia, maybe with Patric .... oh wait, yeah they would put us in quarantine ... wanna see Patric do a koala? hahahah :hypno:
Ahh we ain't no Kangaroo lovers ya cunt, we're VB lovers!! (thats a popular Beer down here)
I guess one day when i am hitchhiking out in the lands of Europe i'll be lucky enough to get to Germany to go to Whacken or at least see AA live hah. But i would rather see AA come to Aust.!!!!
Ah see, i thought you might get offended by the kangoroo gimmick so I put koala instead.

But it's all in good fun .... i mean like, isn't koala, australian for beer? Plus here in Florida we have restaurants named outback who are so called from down under and the company is based in FL. hahahha well cheerio to you ....
Nah mate i know its all in good fun ;) I don't get offended by people who use stereotypical isults to us Aussies!! hehe, i usually throw one straight back at 'em but its all good. At least you didn't call me an Aborignial or nothing, then there could have been trouble!! haha.