Amon Amarth pictures from December 19th @ Metropolis


Indefinite Entity
Sep 27, 2006
Unsure and Inexact
Here are some pictures I took of Amon Amarth during the show on the second night I saw them. I was on the gate but the fog and random hands kinda ruined some photos so I used photoshop to fix them the best I could. Enjoy!




















Then there's this one which was taken after the show on the 18th:


I actually by miracle got backstage the second night, andI hung out with the CoB guys and Johan most the night. It was fucking Awesome, Johan is SO NICE and a really funny guy. I won't waste my time writing out the whole night, but here's one funny joke he told:

Johan was telling jokes, and he asked to take my beer, so I handed it to him. He then says "What did Snow White say after giving 6 of the 7 dwarves a blowjob?" (He takes a huge sip of my beer) "I CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE!" and he spits it everywhere! It was fucking hilarious! He was really a great, kind and funny guy! So were the CoB guys, they were all great!

Awesome! That's my baby brother. Still goofy, irreverent and...nice. Just like when he was a kid. Thanks for the pictures, dude. - T
Awesome! That's my baby brother. Still goofy, irreverent and...nice. Just like when he was a kid. Thanks for the pictures, dude. - T

You're welcome :) And this might sound stupid, forgive me for asking but...

You're his sister? That's cool! I doubt he'll remember me (eventhough we hung out most of the night) cuz he must meet so many people, but tell him I say thank you, and maybe that I say hi! :lol: (Show him a picture of me or something if you must :p j/k)

Just send him my regards, and once again thank him for me for being such a great guy that night. He was so friendly and funny.... he definately made it a night I'll remember forever. He also puts on one hell of a live show ;)

P.S. Canada rocks! I can't wait till AA returns :)
Tyra is Johan's sister ? .............. that explains a fkin lot single doll ? :) :notworthy
No, Morgavid, and I'm probably old enough to be your mom, too. LOL. I am the older sister, see. (Gotta harrass him a bit about that, that's what older sisters are for, right? Beating and harrassing their younger brothers, and unconditionally loving them, I mean.) Like I said, though, it won't be long before my eldest daughter is old enough to not be single, so if you can wait...
It's a good thing I like AA on the basis that they're an awesome band, and not only cuz he's my bro. I can't imagine being Shania Twain's or Celine Dion's sister. Then you'd have to come up with really good excuses for not going to their gigs every time they're in town. At least I can honestly say I wholeheartedly love this band!

@Heartless, I'll tell him, but you know, he checks this forum with some frequency, anyhow. And you're right, Canada rocks!
You know, I think I guy a work with must be a long lost relative of yours. Looks almost exactly like Johan, if he trimmed his beard and hair. And added 20 years... have any uncles that wandered off and disappeared or anything? ;)
Johan's side is closely related to Alexander Haig (remember him, worked under Ronald Regan in the 80's?). I've some relatives on my mother's side that live close to here, only on the other side of the border. Oh, and so does Johan. Anyhow...
Yeah, that had about nothing to do with anything. I think there's just a certain part of my brain that has a faster connection to the fingers and mouth then the part that does the thinking.
@Heartless, I'll tell him, but you know, he checks this forum with some frequency, anyhow. And you're right, Canada rocks!

Great, and well if he happens to see this, then I'd like to say:

Thanks a million man!

P.S. Tyra, my girlfriend and I go to a lot of shows so if you live in Ontario and ever need company, just let me know! Same goes to anyone else in Ontario!
Here are some pictures I took of Amon Amarth during the show on the second night I saw them. I was on the gate but the fog and random hands kinda ruined some photos so I used photoshop to fix them the best I could. Enjoy!










Thanks for those :))
I was at that show too,I was probably standing near you!