Amon Belongs to Tenth!


Halcyon Way Sufferer
Jan 7, 2002
Great King Diamond show in Montreal!

Merch is running low on some sizes. You'll probably be ok if you want an album t-shirt.

Opening band may have been hand picked by King. His Yes man should have said NO. That band belongs at an open mic night at the local coffee shop.

PA clicked a bit then gave out completely. They got it working for Eye.

Excellent theatrics.
yeah...I have heard good things about them. Not something I would race out and buy though. It is funny with female fronted "occult" is like a "evil" version of Nightwish / Delain / Epica.
yeah...I have heard good things about them. Not something I would race out and buy though. It is funny with female fronted "occult" is like a "evil" version of Nightwish / Delain / Epica.

Singer was in her own world. No crowd interaction. Response was tepid and people didn't even look up from their smart phones. The third song started well but they just couldn't maintain interest.
Singer was in her own world. No crowd interaction.
Personally, I love JATAO but this part I will agree with. That was just their style though. It's an act, no different from KD setting fire to an old lady on stage. The response they received at the Worcester show was better. I seemed to be the only one who knew the songs but I saw lots of people bobbing their heads and applauding them. After the show there were people talking to the band and buying stuff at the merch table. I wanted to meet them too but it was just way too crowded.
To each their own. I saw them last night and thought they were great live. That said, I can totally understand those who don't dig them. Definitely an acquired taste.