Amoral - Decrowning

Amoral - Decrowning
Candlelight Records USA – CDL293 – 21/03/06
By Sam Brokenshaw


Amoral play a blend of energetic thrash and flawless technical death metal, that can likely be appreciated by a lot more people than it so far has been. By all accounts the band are rather storming in the live arena too, according to one source being the only band that played last years Spinefarm Records showcase as if they actually wanted to be seen there. The debut album Wound Creations caught my ear as one of the more enjoyable death metal based releases in the last few years, as although the band are pretty damned good on the musicianship front, they never stray into the technical masturbation zone so commonly infringed upon. Whereas a lot of death metal just bores my senseless these days, these guys have a real injection of flair and catchiness which, in it's absence, is so often the cause for my disdain. The new album kicks off pretty much where the last one left off, the band have evolved to a level of tightness comparable only to Sly Stallone's white knuckle grip in Cliffhanger. The production is a subtle improvement, with a bit more depth in addition to the diamond hard, clear panorama that was so evident. Every note is audible and as result Decrowning packs a mean punch, the weaving riffs complementing the guttural vocals and precise drums.

To my mind, Amoral have a great advantage over the general dross of the current death metal scene. As a young band they inject their sound with a definite hunger and desire to impress, which translates into a sense of urgency and a streamlined kind of songwriting so often lacking these days. This album is definatly one to look out for if you enjoy bands like Martyr and Atheist, as whilst it's not the same thing at all, it has the same effect, being both fresh sounding and technically adept.


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