Amott Signature Amp...Randall?

Sep 7, 2006

Also noticed on the Randall site a certain Mr Kirk Hammett has jumped into bed with the Randall people, although that sounds like another cynical tug on the udder of the Metallica cash cow.

"an extensive line of signature products that emulates the distinctive tones of Metallica’s legendary guitarist. The full line of Kirk Hammett amps, heads, combos and preamp modules will allow guitar players around the world – from beginners to professionals – to harness the sound he uses both in the studio and on tour"

and here's me thinking a Tubescreamer and pile of Mesa Boogie gear would recreate the sound of Tubescreamers and a pile of Mesa Boogie gear. :goggly:

Considering his tone has been total shit since 1996, I'd rather emulate the sound of a toilet flushing.
Ya...the moron that got fired from krank for bad business practices now works for randall. They have been handing out artist signature models like candy ever since.
I love how Randall have ripped the V2 ninja second paragraph blurb straight from amott's wikipedia page.

Interesting to hear what this amp sounds like though. Seems strange for amott to go solid state...
I love how Randall have ripped the V2 ninja second paragraph blurb straight from amott's wikipedia page.

Interesting to hear what this amp sounds like though. Seems strange for amott to go solid state...

The preamp in the V2 Ninja is tube. I've played the regular V2 at a store, which is pretty much the Ninja (the Ninja has a little more high end and ships with different pre tubes). I think it's a killer amp, and I'd love to try one out at gig volumes to see how it stacks up.
ahha I laugh because Mr amott on an interview he said he and his bro are using the modular ones, I bet when he recorded the last record he used one of those instead of the prototype he developed with randall.
Anyway Rise Of The Tyrant is a mixture of a lot of amps, amp pre sections into the power amp sections of the others, something like that.
So the album it's not only randall
......Anyway Rise Of The Tyrant is a mixture of a lot of amps, amp pre sections into the power amp sections of the others, something like that.
So the album it's not only randall

Which results in something that sounds like a bucket full of assholes simultaneously expelling shart. :Puke: